
I echo your ARGH. Thank God that Kinect doesn’t recognize “Come on, you moron!”

Yeah it’s pretty tight. I don’t think it’s quite as tight as the 360 break-away cable but I have no complaints so far.

That’s what I wrote in the survey after beta finished. Rubberband was ridiculous. You could drive full speed without any mistakes till the last turn, messed a little up (not like spin around, just hit the wall sideways or other car to slow you down a little) and finished 4th or worse.

I haven’t met a single person who used the same PC for 10 years without some major upgrade.

Everyone I know that builds gaming PC won’t use the same graphics card for 10 years.

Everything... except a single player experience.

You only play a few levels as chief? What? Why?

And also the bonus feature where “Red”-exclusive pewdiepie videos are blocked too.

Even though you were joking, you do point to something important. The dev leads and bosses seldom factor in that their designers and programmers need to have time to actually play their own game. Trust me when I say the devs would love to play their own game more, but there is that time constraint. When I’m working

YES. I did not. lol. and I apologize.

I call this service “NoScript” and “Adblock”.

“competitive” lol yeah right. destiny is not competitive. anyone who thinks so is a joke.

We have had this since a long time ago. then it was called “Level Select”. You typically unlock it by beating the game (or appropriate section[s]) at least once, or emulate it by saving to new slots periodically (When I played e.g. DOOM I would use a new save for each level, so I could later jump back to any level I

That how I felt when I quit a few months ago. (played since launch, just returned for TTK) Things sure have changed, I have so much to do now, its great - feels like a new game to me

Yeah, Conner was a horrible protagonist. Plus, it was really annoying that it took 30 hours to actually be a proper assassin. Plus, ACIII’s ending was as insulting if not a little more insulting than the original ending of Mass Effect 3.

They should put the light level after the character name you see running around the Tower and open areas. Pretty pointless to have the main level since everyone is basically 40 now.

Cool exploit for exotics, I don’t even remotely feel bad about trying this out later if it isn’t patched.

The changes to Hawkmoon mostly affect the way it’s primary perks work. In the past you can have all three Luck in the Chamber perks stack on top of each other, giving you a 1/1000 chance to one shot headshot people. With the update the effect no longer stacks, though I do believe it returns a round to the magazine


Or Warner leaked this rumor in the hopes of building Batfleck buzz.