
if only the game captured the feeling of the artwork

Ugh, $280 to be reminded of the game that we didn’t get a year ago. I also noticed today that my VIP emblem and shader are inspired by the space tiger from that one piece of concept art shown around the time the announced the game. Where are my space tigers? The emblem almost feels like a slap in the face. And yes,

Brah, brah! It’s “broeswr,” learn how to spell properly. ;)

Brah, brah! It’s “broeswr,” learn how to spell properly. ;)

Enemies that are higher level than the max player level, again. FU...CK!

That sounds about right. All of the new content they’ve shown *looks* terrific, but when I think about it for more than a minute, it’s obvious that it’s still very limited (freeze-framing the map in one video showed the scope) and it will quickly devolve into grinding again. If it wasn’t nearly the cost of a brand new

The amount of grind in this game is completely absurd, unless Destiny is literally someone’s first experience with something that’s even remotely MMO-like I don’t understand how anybody can tolerate it.

There are lots of places that serve real food for $5.

The buns have a lot of sugar in them; as I understand it, they’re sugary to the point that they cannot refer to it as bread in Europe.

what do you people expect?

Doesn’t taste fake to me, but it makes me feel like shit. Even if I eat one single hamburger and a few fries it feels like I just drank a vat of oil.

I feel like this is exactly my feeling everytime a game is remade. I know that alot of us in the comments section bitch about it, so at least I know others feel this way too, but it would be nice if Kotaku kind of just stopped featuring remakes just as a rule. It’s fine and all but it’s bull shit that a remake gets

Too bad there’s no Mars Patrol bounty in Destiny today because you’re collecting a lot of tears. Best post ever.

I just don’t get streaming and you tube at all. Maybe it’s an age thing or maybe I just don't click with the streamers or tubers but it's definitely not something that I want to spend time watching. My son loves it and I just don't get it. I keep thinking its some kind of fad that we'll look back on like 3d tvs or

Whenever I’m about to play a new game, I will watch some of these to kind of get a take on how to play it. Europa Universalis IV is one of those games. Extremely weird to figure everything out, but after watching quill18 play it, when I finally got the game I knew what my plans were, how to accomplish those plans and

I dont watch constantly but when I was playing hearthstone I did watch top streamers pretty regularly. It taught me how to play the meta alot better and some of the streamers are truly entertaining. If someone consistently makes you laugh its worth watching imo

Man, I’d totally go for one of those modems, if they weren’t refurbs. But I don’t trust refurb products at all.

Man, I’d totally go for one of those modems, if they weren’t refurbs. But I don’t trust refurb products at all.

Like time travel. *cough*

yeah all of those people making less than $30,000 still contributing to a 401k. Read: no one.

this. I dont get it either....especially considering the fact that he’s saved them countless times previously. I mean at this point I just think the people are stupid. The way the story has progressed isnt very believable in my opinion.