
You should read the news. They never filed a police report nor reported the crime. It was only news because Lochte’s mom talked to the press.

I’m not defending them. But I personally think the real story is somewhere in the middle of Lochte’s story and Brazil’s story.

Yeah. The only thing I was taught about the anthem was to take your hat/cap off if you’re wearing one.

Thanks. Just waiting for the news article to tell us which government official runs this “institute.” ;)

I haven’t been following much. Crazy that happened. I’ve only covered my heart when doing the pledge back in grade school. I’ve never done it for the anthem. Huh.

Yeah, “donating to charity.” Brazil - we ain’t dumb. A bribe is a bribe.

He only cares about views and $. That’s the way with a lot of Youtubers. There are some that I used to watch before they hit it big, then once they realized what they got, they changed and became all promotional and all about $ and views. I’ll quit watching them, find other up-and-coming vloggers, and the same thing

It’s not that we might be missing content. I can’t speak for everyone, but I got rid of the vanilla disc when I was done and was waiting to rebuy when the Complete edition dropped. In addition, there may be others like me that do not like the idea of buying or owning season passes/digital content (or maybe they have

My heart was broken yesterday when they announced that the save file on the consoles would not be compatible with the Complete edition. :(

I meant the mood. Not the time periods or subject matter. The tone of the BO3 campaign was serious. Zombies was serious. Different time period and art syle, but their mood fit.

I get it, but this is like SOOOOOO far off base. The vibe doesn’t even fit. This looks like something out of Dead Rising (without the craft-it-yourself crazy weapons).

Uh... uhhhh... WTF.

Why does Bungie capitalize the “One” in “Xbox ONE”? It’s not an acronym and it’s not all capitalized on Microsoft’s own website. Lol.

Seriously. Only time I bought a season pass for a Bethesda game. Never again.

I know the community will be happy, but this is one of those things that people will get excited about, then two days they’ll be like, meh. If this was in-game earlier, would’ve made more of a difference.

I like how this says “Official Trailer.” Are there people going around making unofficial trailers for giggles?

They made a new app? I may be behind the times, but have they added MMS to Google Voice yet?

PC master race... er, um...hmmm...

I’m willing to wait!

I want to live old enough to see first contact with an alien race or see humans land on a habitable planet that is not Earth. Not too much to ask, imo. ;)