
Just do what I’m doing — wait for Black Friday/Xmas sales. I’ve already played the vanilla game, but will get the GotY edition when there’s a good sale so I can play the DLCs.

Am I the only one bothered by the grey color of the text under the photos? That light grey doesn’t contrast well with the white background. What’s wrong with using black?

Another time saver: a lot of supermarkets have rotisserie chicken and turkey, already cooked. We usually get those, have some for dinner. Then slice the rest and use them as deli meat.

Same reaction. Even if people make a beeline for the center of the galaxy, you’d think the developers would’ve still made it a long journey. I wasn’t expecting anyone to get there til months after launch. This is so anticlimactic.

Not here. But I’ll be disappointed if they don’t do that in Destiny 2. So many possibilities for amazing gameplay. I loved the flying combat missions they did in Halo Reach.

Yup, I’m remaining hopeful. I really liked how there were all those secret timed missions (Black Spindle, No Time to Explain, etc.) in TTK and hope there’s more of that here and in Destiny 2.

I’m also looking forward to the new raid as those are the main activities that I enjoy in Destiny. I’m basically liking a lot of what I hear about this upcoming DLC. Just wish there were more than just the 5 story missions.

Probably depends on the state. Some states don’t do these tax breaks specifically for back to school. They’re just flat tax holidays that happen to occur right before schools start. You can buy anything (usually under a certain $ threshold).

This is hilarious. I can’t wait to see videos of people showing off their planets named after memes, and people with planets named after body parts...

That is actually an amazing idea!!!

Sometimes on sale from Microsoft Store for a few bucks only (like $3 or $4.) Definitely helpful.

For me, it’s due to the way I play games. I’m sure there are others similar to me who like the excitement of playing a new game at release and who like to focus a lot of time into a game. It is so much more immersive. When Deus Ex releases in less than 3 weeks, I will be playing the heck out of that, non stop, until

Furniture. But even buying stuff from national chains help your local economy. And the increase in people shopping means more people eating out and making impulse purchases.

It’s dumb. They’re releasing parts of the game over time. The full game won’t be done until later this year. At that point, you can buy the whole game, digitally or on disc. And no - this is not some early access program. Some genius thought people would go for this.

Imagine the workout you’d get on a daily basis if you walked all the way around the whole building. Tell your colleague you’re just going to the restroom or to grab a snack, then on the way back to your desk, take the long way around. Arrive an hour later. Lol.

This is episode 4?!?!?!. Dang. That means people on my friends list who got the game never even made it past the initial episode. I never see anyone playing this.

Meh. No tax holiday means no big purchases from me. I know they’re thinking about the state budget, but they need to consider the impact to local businesses as well. With the tax holiday, I’ll buy big ticket items. Without it, I just won’t buy. Not like I really need them. So local businesses lose out.

This. I’ve played hundreds of hours, almost completed the latest Vault DLC, and barely even remember who this Marcy character is. Weird how some people seem to be so latched on to one character who doesn’t follow you around and you barely see in those hundreds of hours.

Exclusive DLC or exclusive early access to DLCs. (Or in the case of games like Tomb Raider, exclusive early access to whole games - lol.) Console exclusive games make sense. The whole early access bit and exclusive DLC makes no sense except to piss off the game’s playerbase.