
Yeah I meant DLC stuff. Exclusive games I’m ok with and agree with you.

Agreed. I’m ok with exclusive games. It’s the dumb this-console-gets-one-month (or one year in Destiny, lol) access to DLC that tears the playerbase apart. You want everyone to be able to experience everything at the same time. What’s the point of having one group’s experience spoiled because another group is

Console wars don’t suck. Console exclusive (or early access) DLCs, etc. suck.

ActiveX? Pretty sure Microsoft has a trademark on this term, despite the capitalization differences.

Nope. If I got so mad that I wanted to punch someone, I don’t think I’d call them my friend.

Seriously. It just seemed too sudden. How do you go from full on rage to, meh, let’s shake it off. I’m glad no one was seriously hurt, but wow...

TIME TRAVEL?!?!?! Forgive me, but I have to eyeroll whenever zombies or time travel are involved. So overdone and lame.

That’s why I’m keeping my VCR and not upgrading to the S. The S is smaller AND the power brick is built in?!?! I’m sure their tech guys know what they’re doing, but I’d rather not chance it. I’d rather have a larger footprint and no overheating.

Yup. Those retro pixelated games are going to look so amazing! ;)

Where’s the video to this first footage???

Thanks for the reminder. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking end of the month (July 31st). Didn’t realize it was the last business day of the month.

Same. I remember when I first heard about customizing. Tried all sorts of setups and created a lot of pretty desktops. Then I realized it was all pointless. Like, who is going to waste time staring at a desktop? I just want my programs to load fast and run fast. And once they’re up and running, all that other stuff on

Toaster. At least that’s what people tells me it says in my signature. “Sent from my toaster.”

The TVs track and report back what you’re watching? Dang. That’s some good data right there, even if it is “anonymous.”

I hope some of the people who “left” were the ones responsible for taking the fun out of Destiny by doing pointless nerfs. The game feels so generic now... (though the story telling in TTK is miles better than previously).

How do they determine who your family members are? Can you assign 5 random people (friends, etc.) as your “family members”?

The whole voting along party lines thing is so lame, imo. Politics is dumb.

It’s too bad he’s not into being a public figure because if he ran for President, he’d probably win in a landslide.

Who is this “Jia”?

Does that still apply for people who hate the sight, smell, and touch of cash though?