
This is one of those things where it is better to be safe than sorry, regardless what scientists say. Do you want to risk getting a tummy ache and wasting your time in the bathroom for something that costs a couple of $s?

Does anyone believe they’re not spitting out BS? Maybe technically they are not lying (as in, they have one dude “working” on console updates for an hour each month), but come now...

It’s already reflected in the price if you have GCU.

It’s already reflected in the price if you have GCU.

Yeah, I feel like it’s one of those things where a few people make an opinion then everyone hops on it without really knowing anything about it.

I completely agree. The only main gripes I have against Flash (and it’s completely warranted) are the security vulnerabilities. Excluding that, from my experience, Flash runs way better than the HTML5.

To be fair, this works in their favor because their games really are that amazing. You play them and you absolutely feel like their games are worth it, both from a technica/development standpoint (the detail and passion they put into it) and from a player/fun perspective (player’s enjoyment).

The next Star Trek movie (if there is one), better not involve the Enterprise getting destroyed again. That is so overdone.

“lockscreen ads” — W.T.F. This is a thing now?!?! If there are lockscreen ads on my phone, the phone better be given to me for free.

“lockscreen ads” — W.T.F. This is a thing now?!?! If there are lockscreen ads on my phone, the phone better be given

That’s a great feature!!


I don’t understand those types of people. If you don’t want to play, then get off and don’t play. Lol.

Oh. Makes sense. That’s why I stay in party chat most of the time.

Haha. That’s kinda funny, but yeah, I see how that can be annoying and unhelpful.

But that’s in every game. Some kids tried to trashtalk us in Rocket League last night using text chat. We just said “k” to every one of their responses and then proceeded to beat them.

Uh, what kind of toxic behavior are people seeing in Overwatch? (Aside from AFK-ing, if that’s even a thing.) In Rainbow Six Siege, I know people can teamkill right at the start (so stupid and annoying). Not sure how people can be toxic in Overwatch though.

Oh, ok. For whatever reason, I always thought a manned flight would be much longer. 6-8 months is totally bearable.

I didn’t realize it only takes 6 months to get to Mars!!! Is that because everything is inorganic so it can go faster? A manned flight would take longer due to weight and would accelerate slower at the start?

Like the idea, but is there a video on how this works?

Maybe it won’t play on mobile? Plays fine on desktop.

Haha. I remember doing that as a kid. We thought it’d be neat. Never again. OMG — even back then, my neck. My neck!