
It’s really too bad they forced the Kinect on initial XB1 purchases. The concept is pretty neat and I enjoyed all the Kinect games that I played on the 360. If they could’ve advanced the tech a bit more, they could’ve done some amazing stuff.

EIGHT times!?!?!?!? That’s dedication right there. My one and only playthrough took a month and a half, and that’s not including any DLCs.

Ah. I see the camera lens now. Thanks! I thought this was a trick. Lol.

Where’s the hint?!?!?!

Aside from the security vulnerabilities, I don’t get the hate for Flash. It is super reliable. I hate HTML5 because of weird quirks. Here’s the latest thing that bugs me: sometimes on Youtube when I pause a video and then I unpause it, it won’t let me pause it again. Clicking on the video or on the Pause button does

Wait - if you don’t get there fast enough, they vanish? So even they are really close, there’s a chance they could vanish by the time you find its location?

Hey, now. They said they’ll include a story in Destiny 2!!

Ok, when you have to go that much in depth to explain something....

An exotic ship that reduces load times? I’ll take one.

When people stop hoping that theirs will be the next $ maker like Harry Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games.

Looks like a F2P title. If so, I’ll give it a try.

The whole concept of this game seems neat. But as someone who has never gotten into Pokemon, I have no idea what is going on and feels like I’ll be overwhelmed. From that screenshot above, aside from HP, hgt, and wgt, I don’t even know wtf is going on. Lol.

Makes sense. Thanks!

Thanks. I didn’t realize he was so prepared. Makes sense now.

Can anyone explain why they used a bomb to kill him? Was he hiding off in a corner where they couldn’t reach him? Everything I’ve read doesn’t list details. They couldn’t use sleeping gas? Tear gas?

Oh, she wants to play “Gwent” alright!

To extend your point, there are some people like me who can’t stand the idea of replaying any game — whether huge-open world or single player. The sense of discovery, watching a story unfold, and the challenge of completing something for the first time are things that excite me about new games. Once I’m done with a

If you’re into westerns, then sure. I got pressured into playing RDR and admit that the landscape views are gorgeous, but that’s about it. I’d rather have the urban environment and gameplay of GTA any day.

As someone who never grew up with pets, it never occurred to me that dogs and cats could cry and sneeze.

The emphasis is on “Microsoft published.” That’s a very limited amount of games. Just thinking off the top of my head, big titles are Gears, Halo, and Crackdown. That’s not much.

The emphasis is on “Microsoft published.” That’s a very limited amount of games. Just thinking off the top of my