
Same. I feel like Han Solo’s legacy and story is fine the way it is. The more “telling” there is, the less mystique his character becomes. They’re just going to ruin it, imo.

I know what the memes are. I don’t get why they’re “popular.” Like “dat boi” frog riding a bike — what?!?!?

I guess I have a super old soul. I’m way younger than these “olds” and I still don’t get Snapchat. Nor a lot of popular memes....

Was going to say the same thing. I remembered demos being a thing back on the 360. I was always eager to hear of new ones and would try them out. 99% of the time, they convinced me to save my money. If there were no demos, I might’ve bought a few of those games to try out, but because of them, I was able to save my

Will there be alcohol? If so, I’m in.

Yeah, it’s not always true, as someone else commented. It just gives people an easy way to judge. I honestly wish they would just not show people your GS.

I think players in general are taking this PotG thing too seriously. It’s a canned algorithm and therefore can never be perfect. It will not always capture the real defining moment of the game. It’s more for entertainment value once a game has ended.

Absolutely. I have enough gear to be 240, but the gear that gives me my optimal stats (firearms, toughness, etc.) would make me 216GS.

People kick you because they don’t want to carry anyone and want a fast playthrough. Sure, it’s possible that you can carry your own weight, but someone with better stats would make the whole experience easier for them.

Can someone explain the use of foam to me? I’m guessing the foam for the auditorium is for soundproofing? (I could be totally off.) And what is the purpose of the foam for the tunnel? Looks like the foam goes on top of the tunnel. What’s the point of that?

“just emailing a file to a victim or sending them a link to an exploit is enough to trigger it”

Hmmm, I personally like and enjoy both. They both have great gameplay, though different styles. To be honest, the main distinctions between Destiny and The Division are:

Yeah, that really surprised me since I’ve heard good things about the first Banner Saga. Wonder why they did this. Most of the other release day/GwG have been pretty bad (Knight Squad - omg).

People did that for Destiny, too. It’s like all the haters feel the need to be heard, while all the fans are busy at home playing the game and having fun. Lol.

Yeah, I love this game. It just needed more end game stuff to do.

“trial and error” should be an official term to describe some games. I absolutely hate those types of games. Like, htf am I supposed to know on my first attempt that the platform would drop if I stand on it for longer than a second? So dumb.

Oh. Didn’t realize the trolling potentials of gifting. Lol.

I don’t use Steam so forgive me if this is a joke. But is this really a thing? People can refuse a gift?

While ethically I agree that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, I don’t agree with programming logic into an automated system to do that at the potential expense of the driver.

I don’t think the impending release of the Xbox 1 S should stop anyone from getting an Xbox 1 now given all the great deals out there. Larger hard drive is nice, but you can use an external USB if necessary and the other changes are not major enough to avoid these sale prices.

I don’t think the impending release of the Xbox 1 S should stop anyone from getting an Xbox 1 now given all the