
Did you not notice the winky face at the end?

“Most people think we sit and play games all day, but in reality I hardly ever play my game at work.”

Same. Plus it has a better price: $0/month.

I’ve played as a titan and I don’t feel like the sunbreaker is OP in pvp at all. If they get a multikill, it’s because the enemies were too close together and/or titan got lucky. That can happen with a warlock’s nova bomb or stormcaller as well. I have gotten killed plenty easy as a sunbreaker.

Also interesting that they didn’t make any changes or mention the drop rate for exotics....

Huh? That doesn’t fix the poor loot of the Nightfall. Adding ghost shells? WTF asked for that? That just dilutes the loot pool. Increased strange coins and People joked about this all last week — guess Bungie took them seriously.

Haha. I have something similar for Destiny to better manage my time so it becomes less of a timesink than it already is. It’s a checklist, slash to-do list for each week. There are three columns for each character. The weekly checklist stuff includes weekly heroic strike, nightfall, and raid. Under that are character

GotY. Just wait for a Black Friday/Christmas sale. It will happen.

GotY. Just wait for a Black Friday/Christmas sale. It will happen.

It’s sad they never got to fulfill their vision. That description makes it sound so amazing. Sure, Court of Oryx is the closest to it, but it feels too predictable and too much like an arena. The original description makes it seem more dynamic and involving, and more like a grand strike/mini-raid.

Eh, Bungie should patch it so ogres don’t spawn if none of the plates are activated. Excited to see what hard mode is like this weekend!

Yeah, but people have tested it and claim that Shine On is better. You get your super faster than with Inverse Shadow. Here’s the most recent info that I could find:

I hate the look of that helmet, too. It’s too bad the Shine On perk is so helpful, otherwise I would’ve infused another helm with my raid one.

Are you wearing the Graviton exotic helm? I’ve heard that needs to be on for some reason for the exploit to work.

Yup. I think one of mine is probably from that quest. The other was a drop. I kept both because they had different elementals on them.

I’ve got one with full auto! ;) And another one with rangefinder! :D

I’ve heard of this exploit, but have not seen a single person using it the past two days in Iron Banner. I’m sure that will change though as more and more sites are publicizing this...

This. So much. Anyone who has played any amount of Crucible should know that PvP is there for fun, not for competition. The spawning, the matchmaking, the lag, etc. — all negate any sense of competition.

Ewwww... that fuzzy skin!!! How could you?!?!?!?! I am totally weirded out.

Personally, it’s a consistency issue. The skin/peel is somewhat harder and tougher than the juicy insides — mixing the two makes for an unpleasant eating experience, imo.

As someone who peels apples and pears before eating them, ewwwwwwwww, and no thanks.