
That looks scary. I wouldn’t want one as a paperweight. I’d just keep imagining how much harm it could do...

Wow. That’s some scary stuff right there. Didn’t realize the gun was for taking out armor.

Jeez. How big are those bullets? Wouldn’t one of those kill you, even if it didn’t hit the head or upper chest? Holy crap.

Yup. I was doing it just to get the exotic faction class item. I was already rank 21 so I just needed 4 more levels. And I had already completed most of my quests on that character so needed something new to work towards. Figured might as well go for that exotic!

Yup. Typical Bungie. They get you all hyped up with one hand, then their other hand taketh something away. I actually just used a bunch of weapons parts to level up my faction. Had I known about the nerf, I would’ve kept them and used something else instead.

I support microtransactions that don’t affect gameplay. Everyone else spending real money means I get new content for free. Lol.

You didn’t miss anything. ;)

Forgetting the balancing issues, there just wasn’t enough to pull me back. I know people keep saying it’s not a Battlefield game, but it really is, just with a Star Wars skin and some neat vehicles and power ups. The maps are designed just like Battlefield maps. Aside from the aforementioned items, you play the game

Eh, extending betas leaves the opposite impression in my head. Especially when they extended R6S’ by so many more days. Tells me they didn’t gather enough data and didn’t work out enough bugs because not enough people were playing.

“Perhaps the US is falling behind because observation decks aren’t popular as entertainment there.”

Someone else is jumping on this bandwagon, too?! Jeez. If they’re going to throw away the concept of story progression then they might as well not do campaign at all and just go all SW-Battlefront/Rainbow Six Siege. I think that’s an insult to the story writers as well.

Agreed. Not sure which idiot thought being different would make any sense here. The campaign missions better be clearly marked in order so I don’t play them out of sequence or I’m demanding my money back. Lol.

Also explains why Star Wars Battlefield will sell so well next month. Because of the Star Wars brand.

Ummm, are you sure that’s a Playstation controller? Looks just like an Xbox controller to me.

That explains why the first episode was recently made available for free...

Yes. Has to be legendary or exotic heavy weapon. If you have a bunch of weapon cores lying around, go to Variks. He is selling a heavy weapon. Put those weapon cores to use.

Eh, take your time and enjoy it. On one of my characters, I’ve completed all non-Crucible quests and only have one page of quests available. I log in, check the quest page, and then switch to another character because I’ve got nothing left to do with him. Lol. Gonna take my time with my other two characters.

Wow, that was... quick and underwhelming. Exotic swords took some work (albeit boring) and Black Spindle actually required some skill. Also wtf is with all these solar weapons? A clear majority of my year 2 drops are solar.

Don’t be ridiculous. People can’t clap when they’re strapped in like bombs...

Eh, once you figure out what needs to be done on your first character, the other two are a breeze. I skip over quests that are “useless” (e.g., the quests for the old subclasses as they require a lot of work and only give you some low light class item with no good perks). Transfer weapons and ghost shell over to other