
Did any of them even know the victims?

Nah, the media just color-corrected his skintone to look more caucasian and it came out badly.

Oh but it is.

Not really since the claim of anti-semtism is just a worn smear.

To deliver their stated product, absolutely.

Schools and universities (good) are number two, with the military is number three (come on)“

Look Jack this poll was about what people trust to deliver promised results deliver results, not gauge your emotional feelings towards something. If anything, you’re proving that public schools and universities are perhaps

As Shuri was created by Hudson, she was originally meant to be a contrast to T’Challa - a version of Black Panther that was all monarch and zero superhero. Imagine a Panther that did not care a single whit about the Avengers or the Fantastic Four or anything outside of Wakanda. That was Shuri. This served to provide

What happened to “all is permissable when it comes to stopping donald drumpf”?

Rogan is a well-known moron but also an excellent interviewer in terms of the level of his guests, the format of the program for the purpose of interviewing and his ability to get his guests to answer quests (or smoke weed during the program).

This is the state that Trump has reduced journalists to.

I’m glad you morally approve of the strategies Peter Thiel innovated on you.

We’ve already had one ignorant cite rare instances of physical mutation as proof of their unrelated social theory of gender.


“I would posit that the reclamation of it is not unlike the way women sometimes casually refer to each other as “bitch” or “ho.””

Monique may have stumbled on the argument that puts the self-use of the n-word to bed once and for all.

Holy irony.

“I like people who weren’t enslaved.” - Kanye

He still believes the Russian hackers meme...

Warren posted the results by Dr. Bustamante on a page specifically dedicated for this.

“Fuck the entire GOP” - Chuck Wendig


You have to use the term “quite possible” because there is no evidence for your assertions, merely conjecture.

To quote “alliterator”:

“Can you not be negative on Twitter anymore? Do you have to stay completely neutral about fucking neo-Nazis?”

Wendig’s tweet-thread, and thus his twitter “negativity” was explicitly