
It did.

Wendig’s twitter rant, among other things, was explicitly addressed “the entire GOP”. The post I replied to, by “alliterator” expressed outrage that Marvel was expressing “neutrality to neo-Nazis”, inferring that the two categories were one and the same.

Thus, the post I was replying to absolutely said that

From the post I’m replying to, and from the context of Wendig’s firing.

“Everyone who disagrees with me is one person”


I doubt they are, but Wendig seems perfectly content to typify everyone right of him under the category of “white nationalist” as well as a “racist, rapist baby-eater”. He is a customer representative for his marginally successful and creatively weak product and Marvel has decided that he is more trouble then he is

They can (which is why Marvel is still in business) but ultimately Marvel’s executive team must justify to Disney why they should keep their jobs and not be replaced by employees capable of publishing a commercially successful product.


Wasn’t the Marvel EiC subject to a bullying and extortion campaign because he used a Japanese nom de plume 20 years ago?


Marvel is on life support due to low sales as is, how much should they stick out for a reviled and panned “writer” who goes out of his way to antagonize everyone right-of-center.


“Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler wtf now major corporations are pro-Nazi”

Good stuff.

That would be hard to do while avoiding the statements that led to the person’s firing, as io9 dances around in this article.

Marvel is dying due to lack of customers.
Some clown like Wendig screaming about how he wants to murder conservatives on Twitter isn’t doing them any favors.

Why didn’t io9 post any of the publicly available statements that led to Wendig’s firing?

$50 has been deposited into your account...

Couldn’t get any worse. Why not?

Since when are kings elected?

Also kind of undercutting your point when the Avengers were led by a black woman back in 1987.

Leave Krueger alone.

Univision seems mad

Prove it wasn’t a hoax.

Some nobody talks shit about Chris Rock and Seinfeld.