
And since “they” don’t blindly, completely agree and bring up arguably reasonable concerns, they’re 100% racist. Got it. Guessing if they question any feminists or their rhetoric, they’re 100% misogynist, too? And if they question any core beliefs in Islam (as expressed by, say, ISIS), they’re 100% racist? Those


I didn’t acknowledge your point, but yes, you did “refute” my “every wrestler” claim....sort of. I’ll grant you that according to your claim (which I can only assume is true), only EVERY OTHER WRESTLER THEY HAD EVER FACED (that’s a statistical estimate, I do admit) except him had never had his physics before. But hey,

Did I see “Sin Bin” at 1:55?

Who said I’m able bodied? And yes, I am sad that making objective comments gets the knee-jerk reaction as hateful from SJWs that have no intellectual integrity.

Nailed it!

You haven’t thought of third-wave feminists and millionaire Mizzou students then.

Yeah, why should we consider the fact that he’s wrestled the same kind of wrestler his entire life, whereas every wrestler he’s ever faced probably had never come close to wrestling someone with his “physics” before?? That’s would just ruin our groovy feel, man. And also he’s black, so we’re definitely also racist if

Amen, brother! Can’t point out facts that involve feminists (or just women) without being a misogynist, just like you can’t make objective statements about the ideology of Islam without being a racist bigot. Thank you for standing up and protecting us all from objective statements that might hurt feelings...because

Disgusting, oppressive patriarchy...

Don’t forget subsidies to big oil! I’m sure the list could go on.’s your German? Fluent? How long have lived in Germany...or maybe I should ask: have you ever been? I lived there for four years while going to college, in an old eastern German area that was the poorest in Germany. I hurt my arm while working as a moving man outside my studies, but also played sports and

You mean 12-year-old boys with guns!

Your facts and information offend me! You should be ashamed of yourself, you misogynistic pig!