
Everyone lay off Mark! It's common knowledge that men are terrible at math (and science).

No, he/she is saying that if she looked like Beyonce it wouldn't be that way

So what you're saying is that beauty standards in the tennis realm coincide with white blondeness? And that that has nothing to with race?

The one point where I don't agree with the author is his argument that race has anything to do with why Serena makes less in endorsements/sponsorship than Sharapova. Sharapova makes that much money in sponsorship because she's hot. Same as Kurnikova, except Kurnikova was an even worse player.

How to make a proposal all about you 101

In the same vein as volentourism photos of sorority girls with black children in developing nations.

more of a fool than someone who reports an envelope of glitter to the FBI for investigation and possible charges?

Mark, I'm responding to it, so it will be published. Never let it be said that I've censored the righteous indignation you feel towards me.

I feel like Jaden Smith gets a pass for legit being a child. Ansel Elgort is only a child in his head.

Ratings of People Who Should Not Be Allowed A Platform To Communicate:

"But if you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours—and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your girlfriend."

US here, never heard it before.

I'm always keeping up the plane with my thoughts too. Someone has to do it.

Fuck that shit, if we crash the last thing im worried about is a fucking lawsuit.