
I think that’s how he got this way though

Wasn’t that Ivanka?

I hate the peace sign thing.  I don’t really even know why, but I find it really obnoxious.

I was going to say, I’d be deeply surprised if they didn’t.

Dude what.  If Kylie’s EDM can be said to be cliche, it’s because she created the cliches.  She’s the real deal and it perplexes me that that’s not obvious to you.

I don’t think you really can take sex out of that equation, though, because the restaurant guy can run screaming to OSHA or whoever without societal opprobrium. The stripper asked to get a little more personal with a regular doesn’t necessarily have the same social clout to object. I don’t agree with these

UBI’s a really smart idea, but it seems at times like it’s his only idea. It’s his hammer and everything is a nail.

No governmental experience.  It should have stopped Trump and it should stop him.  Private sector management does not impress me as a credential in this context.

I mean, that just leans into the noxious “love you long time” stereotypes and shit, though. Just because these creeps are involved with someone romantically or sexually doesn’t mean they think of them as an equal or worthy of respect as a person.  Hell, they don’t even treat white women like that for the most part;

Just dye Ed Sheeran’s hair blonde and make him shave

I’m pretty sure Ria Percival is the Lady of Tottenham

He had a box of stuff in S2 marked Vietnam, so he definitely served.

I’m way late on this thread, but the answer’s in your own kinja handle, really. We know Hopper’s a Vietnam vet from his boxes. He has almost certainly been in combat before. It’s not really surprising that he can kill someone with a rifle without flinching.

Given the alternative, pretty fucking far.

Yeah she was one of my first celebrity crushes when I was a young boy, although I think I only recognized that in hindsight. I know it should by rights read as obnoxious, but the voice still does something for me. And you’re right, she looks gorgeous still, and not just “for her age”.

I’m a Warren fan but I’ll settle for any one of these fuckers if it gets the Republicans out of the White House, and you should too. RBG can’t last another four years in there. Purity has too high a price right now.

Give it time.  As the cannon fodder drops out, it’s not going to be Biden they gravitate towards.

Would not be surprised to see someone take Beto as VP in hopes of turning Texas.

Fuck off.  A lot of us have been pushing for better gun laws for a long ass time.

Not to mention, she doesn’t look it, but she’s in her sixties.  That’s the point where breaking stuff really starts being concerning.  Some caution is warranted for safety’s sake.