
Jesus, dude, that’s fucked up

I do think they should look at joining forces, but I’m not sure a VP slot is the best for either of them.  You generally want to use that post to expand your appeal among voters, not double down on the same demographic. I actually think a cabinet position might be better, and then get someone who’s got some appeal to

I’d argue that Klobuchar is also much closer to that model than she is to the new kids.

Actually I want to see what she could do with that hook now

Biden I know in particular has a history of being unreliable on this issue, though.  There may be others.

What a chessmaster!

Dude, plenty of young people have record players.  My little sister’s 29 and loves her vinyl turntable.

Bernie needs cough drops something fierce

Didn’t he go into a debate obviously lit up, sniffling and raving and shit?

Disregard, YouTube is magic.  Should have tried that first rather than the main site for ABC.

Anybody got any idea how I can watch this thing without a television or television provider?  How is this still such an issue in 2019?

How so? People are still going to kill themselves with smoke, but as a bystander I’d rather they smell like raspberries than tobacco while they do it.

>If Donald ever had anything close to a real marriage it was with Ivanka

The vegetable thing may not be deterring fans, but it’s clearly deterring athletes. See the Andrew Luck fiasco, or Megatron quitting young. That’s an existential threat to pro football, and I think the NFL is starting to see that. As a soccer fan, I’m always impressed by some of the protocols the NFL’s putting in

Mood.  As a Lions man I don’t expect to have a lot of investment in the postseason.

Songs get reassigned between pop artists by producer types all the time, and Lopez is a woman of color. Not everything is part of the struggle, and I’m less than sold on this case.

Agreed, and I’d put If You Had My Love on the list as another early track.  Maybe Love Don’t Cost A Thing?

You wonder if this was a subtle attempt to sweep the neo-Nazis in her fan crowd under the rug; before she came out as liberal, plenty of /pol/ idiots thought she was their never dates black guys Aryan queen. She had to have known about that. People thought she was ignoring it, but I think she was probably afraid of

Heathers for sure.  I wasn’t even two weeks old when Heathers hit theaters and I’m in my thirties now.  It’s not a millenial era movie.

Needs either more mustache or less.  Where it’s at right now does not look great.