
Fuck off bro.  Dudes are allowed to have boundaries too and he’s not lesser for her having ignored them or for anything about his body, man.

I do think context is a big factor, but frankly I think the contextual factors in this case lean towards a sexualized interpretation.

I mean, don’t a lot of romantic or sexual relationships start out as platonic friendships?  It’s not rare, at least.  This seems like pretty specious reasoning.

I mean, someone who’s been through what he describes would be a prime target for radicalization by organized misogyny.  That’s probably who he’s been venting to.

Winter is an underused name.

I mean, she also told people back in the day to stop taking their AIDS cocktails and love themselves more, so she’s got a history of doing that.

Dude what

Was looking for this one.  Avoids the gravity issue entirely, and for the most part the radiation issue as well.  Anything other than that is just going to be a matter of engineering.  Coming up with a justifying rationale’s another story, but it’s much, much more doable than Mars.

To an extent that’s because we’ve designed them that way.  We might be able to do some new and cool stuff in micrograv, industrially speaking.

The reproduction thing seems like you could test it with animals, though.  Set up a station in Earth orbit, spin it at 1/3g, and send up some pregnant pig sows.

Thank you!  I posted something similar

Williamson didn’t face as much concentrated fire, though.  If she starts looking like a serious threat, she’s got more than enough for people to tear into.

Looks like Wallace of Wallace and Gromit fame

This.  Or if you haven’t got a local team, just put your eyeballs on the streams or on the ESPN-shown games.  Like, you don’t have to wait four years for another Cup.

I thought bears ate him or was that another guy?

I think it was intended as tongue in cheek humor, but I can see why SP is pissed.

I think that was the drugs on Steven’s part.

This is my district.  This part of Minneapolis’ political spectrum basically has a right edge ending at moderate Democrats.  There’s a reason no serious Republicans are running.

This.  Her talents are primarily compositional.  If you put her up there to do other people’s material, I don’t know how that’s gonna go.

WTF is this from?