
Nah, gaudy would be wearing them all at once on different fingers and toes.  She’s got room for six more!  The sequential approach is way more low key.

Never mind, on second read it’s Duckworth that said it.  She’s from the Midwest, so that makes even less sense.

 Not sure if British or troll

Minneapolis here. Does Pelosi not realize we’re not all hick farmers out here? Does she not get that there are large, liberal urban areas here in the Midwest as well as the coasts? MN has been voting democratic longer than California has. Argh.

Really, this would not have been difficult to do.

Wasn’t there a precedent for that in the early 1800s?

TBF the y and d thing in Vietnamese is a regional distinction, from what I remember. Things that are a y in Saigon are ds farther north. But there’s an intermediate quality to it most of the time, which is almost certainly what you’re hearing.

Bratislava is Slovakia, not Slovenia

We can disagree with execution as an institution without weeping for the man.

Even us straight people spend a lot of their teenage years sorting their shit out. Ones with half a brain are going to recognize this as a similar sort of thing and not sweat it.

Why aren’t you more mad at Chris Brown for beating her up in the first place?

I always figured it was a comfort item, like Linus and his blanket, you know?

Hasn’t stopped Keanu Reeves or Kristen Stewart

IDK, the cat/trash panda/et al video scene has to be bigger than 10%

I’m guessing you weren’t around in the Bush v Gore era. The amount of time people took that claim as a serious one was very small, and very few people made that misinterpretation, but the meme took hold as comedy because it was fucking funny. It was not like the truther stuff now.

no u

There’s fun stuff to do, they just don’t advertise it as well or directly as Minneapolis. I grew up in STP and live in Mpls now. St Paul has the new MLS stadium coming in, the Little Mekong Night Market in the summer, the Palace Theater got fixed up as a concert venue, and in about a month and a half they’re having

I guess I double posted. Mods, pls remove!

Stop breathing my air, fascist.

Ah, I see. Thank you. Here in the Midwest she’s shorthand for “liberal” for a lot of people, so it’s interesting to hear that perspective.