
Permasingle dude here. Agreed. This is incredibly dangerous stuff for young men who are maybe a little shyer, a little slower to grow up, a little unconfident, because it can radicalize the unwary into something fundamentally monstrous. I was lucky. I had a sister and a lot of female friends guiding the way for me. I

Mr Vice President, you need to be more subtle

There are technical fixes in the works.

Wholly agree. Perhaps some genuine fear would be enlightening for these fuckers. Dalila, I’m a dude and FWIW I don’t think you were out of line at all. Guys who are down will understand, and guys who aren’t, well, like you said.

I think you underestimate feminist men. Plenty of us would be on board with putting these dogs down.

She was my first celebrity crush like twenty years ago when I was entering middle school, and the older I get, she stays the same age. It’s wild.

You’d think that would be the kind of person who would know a lot about perfume, though. Like, I realize it’s different for us, but I’ve learned all sorts of things about cologne largely because if I bike to work and don’t wear it I’m persona non grata. Someone who already smells good, it’s like buying food from a

Classic memery, my friend

Is it just me or is “smooth as an eel” not particularly alluring phrasing? Like, I’ve heard of being a dead fish in bed, but ew.

Maybe a fiercer pet than Olivia and Meredith is in order.

It can, but doesn’t have to. And rabies causes hydrophobia, so I think sprinkler boy is probably fine.

It’s not as new as you’d think.

Waitwaitwait is there some transness or something involved? Doesn’t she otherwise, like, not have a male chromosome? XX and all? What am I missing here?

Top notch reaction image material. Fucking saved

Depends a lot on elevation! Up north in the highlands it can be pretty nice, at least part of the year.

You sound burned out, dude. As someone who’s liked SE Asia on the short trips I’ve been on (nothing shady), I’m sorry it’s gone so sour for you, man. But I feel you on a lot of the stuff you’re complaining about.

This. I’m a dude and I dressed up to go in the temples. Put on a nice dress shirt, black khakis. Don’t be that foreigner. You’re a guest everywhere abroad, but especially in someone else’s sacred spaces.

Wait, does Europe not have records of eviction? Like, if you get evicted, you can just go somewhere else?

Underrated post

Now there’s the face of someone who likes what he does for a living. Just based on the picture, I’d say he was hella bored at work.