
“Contraceptive app” sounds like a fantastic way to talk shit about someone’s favorite video game. Think the World of Warcraft crowd.

Yeah, “dress up like warlocks” sounds like someone got them confused with LARPers.

No, hence the “also”; I’m just pointing out that they didn’t exactly come up with the idea of Satan as a beneficient figure. Now that I thnk about it, I think the Bogomils of medieval southeast Europe had a similar thing going on; I’m trying to remember what they were about, but they were into some weird gnostic shit

Not necessarily. He’s also the good guy if you’re a Yazidi, for instance, as far as I understand.

Well, he’s an elder with dementia and he’s working (or at least employed), so we can’t really call him a hypocrite on that one.

If I want to feel dizzy and nauseated there are much cheaper approaches

I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to go to Eagan for any reason, tbh

Is it partly a climate thing? Malls have the same retail problems in Minnesota they do anywhere else, but I think we’ve still got more of it just because you can’t so easily do outdoor walking and shopping. The Mall of America genuinely sucks, but it’s -10F out right now and you can walk between stores in unencumbered

So would it be accurate to describe this movie, as someone who hasn’t seen it, as the Nicholas Sparks take on Shadow Over Innsmouth?

Didn’t he go to the Senate?

This. You can chat up the qt over in Analytics, see if she wants to get drinks after work even, and as long as you’re not a creep and can respect a brush off, all will be well. I have done this and ain’t nobody here hates me for it. If you can’t manage this without alienating the woman involved, well, you’re probably

I’m wondering if Ellen being in the closet at the time was leverage to keep her silent by Allen or any of the other creeps.

Yeah, I read this as just a choke

Oh, that’s clever.

We don’t exactly have the politeness culture you guys do. Even at the everyday level people are more directly abrasive here; why should we expect the upper echelons not to reflect that?

Is that life expectancy from birth, though? That’s a very different thing than life expectancy from her current age. It’s taking into account a lot of people dying young, which obviously she didn’t do.

That’s a better argument, but you’re kind of shifting the goalposts with it. You weren’t talking about time in the spotlight upthread, you were clearly talking about him being an “old white man politician”.

Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign’s strongest point was the youth vote. I’m not sure young people are as ageist as you think.

Ah, I thought you meant on one of the band members!

I’m not sure I buy this too old business. As long as someone’s in good enough health to perform the functions of the office, I don’t see the problem. Besides, we always package them with a VP of the same party who takes over if they croak, so what exactly are we worried about?