I’m getting a huge kick out of “Ben Aflac”. Imagining the duck in his various roles.
I’m getting a huge kick out of “Ben Aflac”. Imagining the duck in his various roles.
From what I remember of the Old Testament that actually sounds pretty in character
Thai cost of living is substantially cheaper than in the US. Stay long enough and don’t go crazy on expenses and it pays for itself.
Italian name as far as I can tell, and as forgettable a contribution as they made to the Axis war effort, they were indeed a part of it, so I don’t think we can fairly make that argument.
Please tell me you’re a foreigner of some kind; otherwise this is the let them eat cake of medical comments. Protip: A lot of Americans get nailed hard enough financially for medical care that we basically wait until we think we might actually die. I thought for about a year I had prostate cancer before I finally got…
Dude what
I keep forgetting she’s not actually a shell tbh
I’ma remember this quote next time someone gives me shit for belching in public
She’s not a civil servant or elected official. She’s by no means required to relinquish citizenship here. Why do you say this?
Sure we have dude. American politics is still very dynastic (Clintons, Kennedies, Bushes, et al) only now it’s full of fascists. Very progress, so future, wow.
So do they just live off investing or some shit now? Honest question from a foreign barbarian
Holy fuck this thread. Feudalism is fucking confusing.
I’m confus
Does she actually own this? If so, there’s no clear indication I can find. Isn’t it like not cool legally to be using somebody’s name like this?
Dude here. If I threw out things for various stains (mostly food for me tbh) I would be naked. I think this is one of those things we get cut a lot more slack on.
The Brendan Frasier/Michael Caine version of the Quiet American was pretty damn solid.
Right? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a straightforward war movie that happened to be about women. A suggestion: I’d love to see the Soviet Night Witches of the Eastern front get a full Hollywood treatment. You can’t tell me people wouldn’t watch that shit.
I mean, not really? I’m male and don’t have those skills, but I don’t drive. I think treating these as markers of adulthood in general is sort of part of the toxic American relationship with the automobile.
I was under the impression that was a licensing thing, that they had to make a movie every so often or lose their ability to do so.
Jen Mcclane?
I want a Saving Private Rachel so bad now!