
I find myself wondering how many people thought that way while voting for Trump; a political Samson Option, bringing the proverbial temple down around us.

I had a box turtle for 19 years and I can’t tell you how much I loved my boy.

Not to mention how he’s treated the intelligence agencies!

Trolling is a art

I mostly remember her as the chick who lasered the gorillas at the end of Congo.

Aren’t we all

See, a Soviet South, with internal ethnic divides much like the USSR had, that sounds absolutely fascinating.

I think you can imagine a similar scenario if Tecumseh survives the War of 1812. He was halfway to building a viable nation-state allied with the British as it was, but his death caused the whole thing to fall apart. Or maybe play with the Pueblo revolt a bit, or the Caste War in the Yucatan. There were tons of places

Considering our neighbors to the north abolished slavery early, I think it’d just look more like Canada.

I think that’s exactly what they were thinking; let’s do Man in the High Castle with the Civil War. It’s at least a mildly interesting idea on its face, but it doesn’t sound like these people had the deft touch needed to implement it.

In an age of actual school massacres Heathers hasn’t aged all that well.

Ohio’s open carry. It could have been a real gun, and he could have been an adult like the cops said they thought he was, and what he was doing would still have been perfectly legal.

The rednecks outstate (especially up in St. Cloud, home of Rep. Bachmann and everything that implies) seem to have a lot of hostility towards them, but I don’t hear or see it in the cities themselves. Frankly, I think the outstaters hate them as a proxy for hating the rest of us. Mostly, we here like the samosa shops

Mpls here. I’m hoping that this is the Pearl Harbor we’ve needed to get white Minneapolitans off the fence and into the fight. The last rally, with everybody from middle class old white ladies to BLM, made me pretty optimistic about that.

How is such a thing possible?

Was just thinking that!

I was a dude, but I didn’t want to do any of that outdoor shit. There’s stuff that bites you out there and a lot of uncomfortable weather conditions. We managed to hang out with our friends in ways and places where we wouldn’t get Lyme disease or heatstroke. I think it may be an urban/rural thing as much as

Probably includes a lot of McConnell.

Well, maybe now that all her shit got stolen, she’ll feel broke enough to actually tour like she should have after BIBO came out.

That sounds fantastic, actually; I could totally see it working in a SE Asian type curry dish.