
Watch the original anime film. It’s absolutely visionary, and definitely a more thoughtful film than the recent live action would suggest.

You are absolutely right about Estelle (the blonde). She is super intense live.

He didn’t suffer from Resurgence. The rest of us did.

I was so, so pumped. And it was so, so bad.

At least Hammurabi was intellectually honest enough to spell out different punishments depending on social standing. Our society puts on a charade of equality, but I have a hard time seeing this being done to a mentally healthy white dude without it getting major airtime and backlash.

Is that Jojo?

Also, #giveelsaagirlfriend

Hey, the repair shop two blocks from me’s working on one right now.

Now playing

The instrumental version of that one’s better if you ask me; seems redundant to have the vocals and the synth follow the same pattern.

Like the Weeknd’s look; kind of Lenny Kravitz ish but it’s not over the top. He looks like he could be going to a backyard barbecue.

Is Hudgens some kind of shaman now?

I missed the Phantogram set’s stream by like 15 minutes. Was it good?? I fuckin love Phantogram, man.

As someone working airline logistics, all I gotta say, is I hope people remember asking for this the next time their flight cancels because the airline couldn’t get a replacement crew there.

You know, tall, blonde, conventionally pretty, she is the President’s type.

I suspect Taylor’s a fairly traditional business conservative, which is probably closer to Clinton than Trump. I’m curious, though.

ohhhhhhh snap

It doesn’t take much in that kind of environment. There’s a Chinese saying to the effect of “the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.” Definitely applies to Nome. There’s still places out there the law doesn’t really reach.

I lost an uncle in rural Alaska who had a beef with a local natural resources consortium to “suicide”. Sometimes the authorities don’t ask questions because they don’t want to.

Underrated post

Agreed. If Melania is our enemy, it’s not because of her sexual history. Listen to yourselves, guys.

Exactly. I don’t see an easy way out for United.

Exactly. It’s like an ocean vessel in the old tradition in that regard. The captain and crew’s authority is more or less absolute for safety and order’s sake because once you leave the land, it’s the only order and authority there is.

I’m on the pro-United side of this argument, but I agree with you there. It doesn’t matter who he is.

Shit happens, you guys. What about the fifty people in Louisville with no crew? They’re supposed to get their lives fucked up because this dude drew the short straw and threw a fit? It’s one thing to say they were too rough with him, I can respect that, but that he shouldn’t have been removed? Nah, man.