Underpants Gnomes? I don’t get the reference and I kind of want to.
Underpants Gnomes? I don’t get the reference and I kind of want to.
Or the viewers, for that matter. It’s a much bigger sacrifice for her to not take the role than it is for us to skip the movie.
Arnold’s the kind of conservative a sane democracy would have.
Yeah, probably more analogous to Ashley Judd if she ever won.
MN here. His actual governance, while more centrist than we’d all like, wasn’t too crazy. It was his off the cuff remarks that were nuts. I never voted for them, but I think our state politics was healthier when the Independence Party was more competitive a decade or two back.
As a former socially awkward male teen, this totally seems like something I would have done with completely innocent intentions. It seems like a good idea at the time, you know? And when they don’t answer the doorbell, you wonder if it’s maybe the wrong house. Yeah, all familiar.
I mean, obviously, looking at this as…
cute doge though
Even as late as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, he was dank in that.
Great taste but I’m kinda with your hubby on this
You got trolled dude
The Mother of Scottish Folds doesn’t come to mind for you guys?
Fantastic idea!
Wait, so we’re arguing that this WWI game has a problem with favoring defense too much? How.... how much do you guys know about WWI?
You have a great deal of faith in human reason, it seems, to think that the best way to combat these ideas is with other ideas. White nationalists don’t build their arguments around reason, they build it around animal level fear and envy, and the naked ape is susceptible to that regardless of reasoning ability. They…
You guys keep saying this. We never claimed hate speech as tolerable. That’s you. If I’m called “intolerant” of white supremacists, I’ll wear that label with pride.
See, it helps me work through it. Like, Downward Spiral carried me through my first year of college, where I lived in a shitty dorm, spoke to no one, missed my family terribly and hated what I was studying.
I recall the ents having long drawn out debates that actually went somewhere. They’re basically already talented legislators.
Nice #hottaek
Yeah, I could see being like, I’m not getting paid enough for dealing with this guy.
Dude, for me it’s imipramine, so maybe Adderall is different in some way, but some of us require a lifetime of medication to achieve the focus and clarity of the neurotypical human mind. I am never going to be able to be off the drugs. I would not be able to hold a job, clean my own apartment, or maintain…