
I don’t watch GoT but isn’t she cheating on him with her brother? Like, that seems to me to be some kind of subversion.

Totally worth it, man.

Seriously. I think if we’d actually stopped him at the electoral college, the security situation in the US would rapidly deteriorate. That’s a Fort Sumter moment if there ever was one.

There are a lot of liberals between those ranges. You can’t blame us here in Minneapolis for this crap. That’s the issue I have with this California secession rhetoric; you’re leaving a lot of decent folks behind.

Pretty sure they have the resources to get out if things get bad.

The RPG experience in general is worth trying out, especially with friends. It’s a social thing first, you know?

Were they wrong? 4chan /pol/ is president now.

Or it could be because our culture is pretty down with male violence against women.

It shares the same root etymologically, so you weren’t totally off base.

Poisoning the well. Leave the water protectors nothing to protect. If the water’s already fouled, they can argue that the safety concerns don’t mean anything because the damage is done.

underrated post

I’m not sure 2 is significant. I’m liberal af and I work in the airlines, and I always learned it as Reagan.

Right. He could have been born in the goddamn Soviet Union and still be constitutionally okay for the presidency.

You merely have to be born a citizen AFAIK, hence Cruz being able to run.

If you want an up and coming woman of color candidate, I think Tammy Duckworth could take us places.

I think it goes without saying that nothing about the Trump phenomenon has gone according to traditional patterns.

There’s something to be said for the magic of low expectations.

Because she’s super productive the rest of the time? She doesn’t actually have tasks to accomplish. She could spend twenty hours a week counting ceiling tiles and it wouldn’t hold her back any.

Agreed. When we talk about old people being conservative, we’re talking about baby boomers, but the few who are even older, people who remember the Depression and such, they skew more liberal. I don’t think conservativism is an artifact of the aging process, it just happens that our current generation of old folks

Where would we even get training? All the places that do that sort of thing are NRA outfits, aren’t they?