
Me too.

Lol I was thinking it too! Stunning resemblance!

Moreover, the black power salute is quite a bit older than BLM.

I think the SFO-LAX run still has that as well.

I work in the industry. FAs love this shit. They know it’s game and they really don’t care.

Poutine > garlic fries

Public shame can work. I disagree that it’s wholly unproductive.

lol wat

I don’t think most Swifties follow Beyonce enough to ask the question. know, we know she’s hung out with the two of them. Maybe there’s something to this.

My shot in the dark guess? Gen. Wesley Clark.

For a Sanders candidacy, I’d guess Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL).

I’d be happy with that.

Assuming the Republicans actually nominate Trump.

I’m not sure I agree. Doesn’t the governor appoint a replacement? We have a Democratic governor.

Charles Curtis under Hoover. Enrolled Kaw Nation member, with the Native blood coming from his mother’s side.

He seems busy with the whole running Cuba and being 90 thing, but that probably would pull the Bernie crowd on board.

Unlike his fanbase, he seems to be willing to work with the reality he’s given to change things rather than simply pout that the system is rigged and life isn’t fair and take his toys and go home.

It’s still the place to go. They’re doing a lot of web sales and stuff now, plus the vinyl boom, so I fully expect them to survive into the digital age.

It’s a tough position to be at. I mean, I’m a dude, and I voted for Bernie, but it’s not like I have a beef with Hillary, I voted for her in 08. The more radical than thou idiots in his fanbase make me want to strangle somebody, and it makes me pretty embarrassed to be associated with them.

Seriously, we gotta remember that’s pocket change for her, and she’s a sharp enough businesswoman to handle these things.