As someone who lived in Canada for over two years, and only moved back for visa/immigration reasons, if you get the chance, don’t hesitate. It’s a wonderful country.
As someone who lived in Canada for over two years, and only moved back for visa/immigration reasons, if you get the chance, don’t hesitate. It’s a wonderful country.
Re: weather: MN here. You guys have no idea.
Not old enough to remember Matthew Shepard?
It really would be nice to have some context. This is just a soundbite, without that.
She looks kind of like Reese from Malcolm in the Middle. So I can actually kind of visualize this.
Dude, this isn’t weird, nor is it entirely novel. I mean, remember Year of Living Dangerously, with a woman playing Billy the journalist in 60s Indonesia? Great film, and the cross-gender casting didn’t mess that up.
Sure we could, if we wanted to. The money exists. We burn it up on corporate welfare, a humongous military budget, and tax breaks for billionaires, and that’s a choice we’ve made as a society.
Fair enough regarding Egypt. But frankly I'd consider Israel a success story. Without conscription I'm not convinced they would have survived the threats they've faced. Like you say yourself, they need resources beyond what a smaller volunteer army could get them.
I agree.
Sometimes family is a thing you make, not a thing you inherit.
I’ve never heard a redundancy argument against it before. That’s interesting. You might be right.
Were we really outplayed politically? Nixon flipping China out of the Soviet orbit more or less nixed the problem; the Russian-backed Hanoi communists spent most of the 80s bogged down fighting the Chinese-backed Khmer rouge in Cambodia, after China attacked them directly in 78. We didn’t lose Burma and Thailand to…
Eh, the VC was really kind of a non-factor after the Tet Offensive; it was mostly NVA regulars after that.
>people won’t have to be forced by registry or law to join, if its really needed.
You say that like the free rider problem isn’t a thing.
Godwin’s Laaaaaaaaaaw
My thoughts exactly. If people think getting rid of the draft will reduce warfare, I think that’s wrongheaded for the exact reasons you state.
Moreover, I worry at times, given how volunteer military service seems to run in families, that over time we’ll create a separate warrior class with its own interests. That can…
This. My whole family’s like this. My mom got refused service at a bar once completely sober for walking into a jukebox and instinctively apologizing to it. I’m not any more coordinated. How do the rest of you guys do it so well?
Where is Paris?? And don’t say France.
My family had a dog when I was a kid that would wait for my dad to cut up the pancakes and add syrup to them before she ate them. Pets can get kinda spoiled like that.