
There’s plenty of that in the US, too; this really is a huge country with lots of viewpoints and subcultures. Here in Minnesota we get a lot of refugees through the Lutheran churches; after the Catholics they’re probably the most organized outfit with regard to resettlement. It’s just the redneckiest places where

Is my gif working??? Anyways, daaaamn!

Am I the only one to think that sandwich actually sounds kinda good? I’d be worried about it getting soggy, but with a drier curd type, it might be decent.

... I’ve got bad news for you

Why there? Although I’ve heard similar things about rural Atlantic Canada; the men all move west to the oil sands.

Yeah, I’ve lived in my current apartment for a year now and I think I’ve changed them, like, once, maybe twice.

Yeah, this thread gives me a great many concerned feels too. I’ve really had to take it up a notch with my current roommate, who’s a woman about a decade older than me; I’ve realized that while I’m content to do dishes when I run out of clean ones, sweep when there’s actively stuff on the floor, clean the bathroom

Come on, man. Syria was getting blown the fuck up way before we got at all involved. We can recognize that there’s unhealthy ideas in US foreign policy without treating Uncle Sam as a cartoon supervillain.

Eh, it might depend on what kind of a school you go to. The kind of high school where you worry about being shivved by gangers, those skills might come in handy.

She’s probably just high, you guys. This is why substance abuse and social media access really don’t mix. Like, I don’t post on Facebook unless I’m sober; I mostly just post here.

She won a World Cup, just got the trade she wanted to Orlando, got married this year, and finally isn’t injured for the first time in like, ever. I’d be happy too.

Yeah, it’s basically what you’d expect if Asimov scripted a magical girlfriend anime on short notice and no sleep. Props for the reference, homes.

I guess I keep thinking, you know, a lot of cultures traditionally had an animist take where everything has a spirit. The idea that machines and animals are fundamentally different, it’s kind of Western. Perhaps it’s that perception that needs explaining, not these empathetic reactions. It also says to me that if this

The author is trolling you.

How do people watch stuff like this? It’s emotional waterboarding.

I can practically hear the banging of keyboards cranking out RPS fic.

Agreed. The only analogue I can think of is traditionally male spaces like the military or blue collar unions where there’s the notion of having your brother’s back. Women seem to be able to create that sort of camaraderie without those structures. It’s pretty great.

I’ll second this. For me it’s the social stuff as well as the physical. I drive myself absolutely nuts if I let myself, thinking, man, why aren’t I as fly as this guy? Why isn’t my apartment as tidy? How’s he got a wife already and all I’ve got’s my fucking hand? I’d have to work out three hours a day to have abs

I suspect you’re right. My elementary school was super hippie and made a point of making sure you had partners for class activities of different ethnic backgrounds and genders. At the time I thought it was annoying as hell that I couldn’t just work with who I wanted to work with, but in hindsight it made a huge