
Assange was a tool of Putin and helped get Trump elected.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

While I think there are one or two people in the country who might change their minds based on a televised debate, their main purpose is probably to keep pundits employed.

“Look, I am all about lower taxes and being able to say what I want and if some people of color are disproportionately affected along the way, that was not a stated goal of mine so I can’t be held responsible.”

Unfortunately the format for the first debate lends itself to quippy sound bites and not much else, so regardless of which side does well (we all know it’ll be Biden), both sides will say they won based on a couple curated clips. Don’t know why they’re bothering with the debates at all, since as you said we know where

Unless they are putting each candidate in a separate sound-proof room, we’re still going to hear him yammering on through Biden’s mic.  This is going to be a total shit-show.


I’m going to sit out the actual debates and just wait for the highlights to come out. I’m not going to learn anything new policy-wise by watching Trump try to yammer about sharks or showerheads or windmills over biden’s time then bitch about having his mic cut off. I’ll give even money Trump just walks out midway

If the real artists had not spent days,weeks, years of their lives practising and honing their drawing ability, then many days, weeks, years drawing the previous published covers, then AI would have nothing to reference too and steal from.

Look at me! I’m “experimenting with new technologies!” I’m an artist now!

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Yes, AI generated artwork is shitty and unethical and any professional artist trying to pass it off as their own work deserves to be publicly shamed for it, but my question is isn’t AI generated artwork impossible to copyright? Last I checked, legally, copyrights only extend to works “authored by humans.”

Give me a break... That just shows you don’t understand the difference between the tools. Both are shortcuts, yes, but even Photobashing takes exponentially more time and effort than GenAI.

good, fuck this asshole. using Ai for comics, and especially for variant covers is a lazy.

“Republican, but I want to smoke pot." 

I find most people in the US who describe themselves as “libertarian” basically mean “Republican, but not willing to admit it” 

Is that supposed to be a hard question to answer?

There are probably hundreds of clips with Maher on Youtube conclusively demonstrating that he is garbage at his supposed core competency - interviewing. One that sticks out for all the wrong reasons is an ‘interview’ he did with directors Tarantino and Apatow.

He’s not on your side and he’s certainly not on liberals’ side. He’s one of the chief anti-vaxxers who can’t stop showering Netanyahu with praise, vehemently hates Muslims, supports restricting immigration, and stacks his panels with discredited right wingers. He’s a hack who has been making the exact same three

The worst part about Bill Maher’s show is Bill Maher.