
You’re mistaken. It’s the developers of this game who have already been paid. You could preorder 1,000 copies and the actual workers won’t see any benefit. Can you guess who is receiving royalties despite having little-to-no involvement in this game’s production?

That seems like a rather silly attitude to have. There are two kinds of VAs:

The Next Generation cast *did* get a proper sendoff, when the series originally ended. Then they made horrible movies until Nemesis bombed, which is why the characters’ storylines ended abruptly.

Seriously. They should be discussing the miracle of them getting a second season, never mind a third.

Oh, was there a reason besides it being disastrous garbage?

It’s not really “looking for reasons” when Rowling has very publicly made those statements…but this is all spoken like someone who probably has never had to deal with comments like these directed and them. Must be nice. 

People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community


You sound a little drunk, have a glass of water and take a break from commenting until you sober up.

Hades is also rooted in that mythology. So being rooted in it is not an excuse. Also you’re behaving like a dick, please be better.

Relax, people can have different opinions from yours. It won't emasculate you to accept that.

If dead people can be brought back in Na’vi bodies, why didn’t they just do that with Jake’s brother in the first place? There, I broke Avatar.

I love that at the same time AV Club published this PR piece going to bat for Avatar 2, Gizmodo was publishing an analysis that tears down pretty much every argument in the article above.

Always and universally a bad idea for any piece of entertainment to try to do. There are two appropriate responses to criticism:
1) recognize that it is an invalid criticism (if it is) and ignore it
2) accept it as a valid criticism (if it is) and learn from it

Yeah, I also thought it was weird that the counterpoint to “Dances With Wolves” in space was Edgar Rice Burroughs. Like, literally the only things ERB did of any note whatsoever were a “going native” narrative and a “white savior” narrative.

Yeah arguing that it’s not a white savior movie because it’s not based on a 30 year old white savior movie but even older white savior material is not the winning argument that Luke seems to think it is.

James Cameron taking criticism of any kind to heart? HA

Short-term thinking also explains the most tedious criticism of the first film: that it’s just Dances With Wolves in space, complete with all the problematic “going native” and “white savior” aspects of the narrative. Put aside for a moment the fact that Cameron’s actual credited inspiration is Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Jo

Lazy ass script writing is lazy ass script writing.