
My question is more basic: Is the writer of that crap just a straight-up “slavery gave black people culture” racist? Because just the idea that a species could become “sapient” via enslavement seems immediately suspect. In fact, how could it be “enslavement” if they weren’t already beings who were conscious and aware?

It really felt like scrolling down my social media feed to read left-leaning zingers that never turn into actual substance.

“Could be worse” is not a comfort.

The problem is there are larger crises like climate change that won’t be solved by things getting incrementally better in general. We can’t fall into complacency when devastation is looming.

Hardships are completely inevitable. Let’s say we had a pollution free public transit system that was free for everyone to use. That’s an incredible improvement! There would still be accidents that would harm or kill people during the routine use of that system. It’s not mature thinking to imagine that every kind of

Sure. Why engage with an argument that makes you uncomfortable?  And you probably consider yourself a free thinker. 

That’s some top-notch deflection. When you say there’s a problem with people who think people cannot be good AND masculine, it invites others to explain WHY they would think masculinity IS an issue. So I explained that to you. To pretend that it doesn’t have anything to do with you is absurd. Because you’re not

Oh fuck off with the self-pitying sanctimonious twaddle. You clearly have serious antagonistic issues with women when your whole persona screams “of course they don’t like me, I’m not the muscular “confident” hunk they go for” which is still blaming women.

“...for some people now the idea of a man actually being capable of being good and masculine is an impossibility”

No, you haven’t been on a date for 21 years because you’re a fucking creep with a lot of antagonism towards women, but simply as it’s not the “DudeBro” style creep you think it’s fine to say.

Honor, courage, emotional balance and reliability are good qualities for a person. Prove me wrong, as the saying goes.

Part of your problem in particular is that you seem to think there is some distinction between what it means to be a “good man” and what it means to be a “good person.””

A million times, this.

A good man is a gentleman, a man of honor, courage, appropriate amounts of stoicism

Man here! I can’t think of any “things we deal with, questions we ask of ourselves and discussions we have with our friends” that a woman would be incapable of understanding. In fact the older I’ve gotten I’ve found the opposite is much more likely to be true and, on top of that, women are usually the ones society has

if you are to be a good person you must not be masculine

What you are talking about is just a different flavor of the same bullshit. Any of these “influencers” who attract acolytes by combining some basic fucking common sense shit but presented as though it’s unique and insightful with garbage (frequently of the pseudoscientific variety, like fucking evo devo) is

No one needs an instruction manual on masculinity. What Peterson and Tate offer are baroque justifications and self-deluding excuses for the insecure to indulge their worst impulses. They offer power fantasies, in other words, just like Captain America and Batman are power fantasies. They feel good, but they aren’t

I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

I didn’t say they were born filled with hate.  These are teenagers, not infants or toddlers.