
Because there’s a big fucking difference between your phone that’s only going to hurt someone if you throw it at them and a big ass fucking car that is going to kill someone if you stop paying attention at the wrong second.

Telling a former Secretary of State who almost became the first female US President to shut up is certainly a choice for a supposedly female-centric website.

Masterpiece? Were we watching the same movie? More like Meh-sterpiece

It looks like it was designed, sculpted, and painted by someone who has never seen real human testicles. They could have saved themselves time by just supergluing a dildo to a controller.

I mean, let’s face it - nothing will ever be more ludicrous than that turbolift fight from the S3 finale that seemed to imply Discovery was about the size of one of those overcompensating ships from an online space MMO.

Discovery’s biggest strength and also it biggest weakness are its lofty ambitions. The show wants to get you to big, emotional spectacles but doesn’t know how to get you there in a believable or even remotely impactful way. It wants to build its characters but rarely does it in a natural, non-universe threatening

As soon as they said that the ‘thing’ was changing direction, I immediately realized that it is sentient.... I could see the endgame being that the ‘thing’ is like the Excession from Iain Banks novel, mostly because the showrunners and writers are not very creative.

I wouldn’t say it was the worst in the series — I think Discovery found even lower depths in its second season — but this does feel like a point where the needle is now irretrievably stuck on the Sunk Cost Fallacy end of the “Reasons To Keep Watching” scale.

...and something bad happens!

I miss Futurama.

This was a BAD episode. I should have realized the writing this week was going to be iffy when we had two ridiculous moments in the first 5 minutes—-one being Burnham saying “I can’t even get him to cry” when we clearly saw Book crying not a minute earlier. Then, Saru saying he wanted to be (Georgiou?) to Burnham? Did

Like too much air in a balloon!

Sorry, I didn’t realise you were the arbiter of how other people are supposed to think. What’s wrong with you? People organise their thoughts all kinds of ways, and verbalising them is a very common way of doing it.

The entire device serves no other purpose than to reframe the discussion to fit the needs of the one using it

Congratulations, they discovered the concept of copyright...but without the centuries of infrastructure to support and enforce them.

I can partially agree with that but by trying too hard to follow trends they wind up looking like every other genre show out there.  Star Trek set itself apart. Always has.  For me at least much of the problem is the need for every piece of media to cater to the widest possible demographic.  Sometimes nerdy shit needs

I mean try it at your job with one of your colleagues, if you’re feeling certain about that position.

The fuck it is. I'm sure you'd be fine if a co-worker you hated that also hated you made a video like that and sent it to everyone in the company you work for 

No, it wasn’t. This idea that “It’s a joke, bro!” is an excuse for being a despicable person needs to stop. He sent out a video clip depicting him violently killing one of his work colleagues. I know if I sent something like that in the company Slack, I’d be extremely lucky to only get a stern talking to and removal