
Because it’s all smoke and mirrors to appease the crowds. He’s not actually less rich, the article could have been clearer in that regard. A CEO’s salary means almost nothing to them because they make most of their money through stock options and bonuses. And when I say “most”, what I really mean is that those stock

“CEOs make hundreds of times too much money.”

This quote will never not be relevant:

There are far more whites than POC.

How do you de-escalate when someone have a gun?”

This is sarcasm right? Or can you not tell the difference between killing nazis and killing innocent civilians? Do you even know anything about this battle?

A store refusing to sell a product is not censorship. That's not what censorship is, at all. 

And its funny all the people saying this is a US Military propaganda machine... since it was made by a Japanese Company...

It’s not censorship if a store chooses not to sell a game.  Just as you’re free to buy this game if a store sells it, others are free to petition the store NOT to sell it.  And that store is free to listen to whatever side they want to listen to because the free market works both ways.  Just because something is

Look.. I come from a military family, I understand the importance of acknowledging the deeds of veterans and remembering them... but it shouldn’t be done in the form of ENTERTAINMENT .. which is what a video game is. It’s compounded by the fact that the soldiers who fought, died or were wounded there were “following

I worked on a number of WW2 games in the late 90s. During a visit to my house, my grandfather, a WW2 veteran, noticed my published games shelf. One of the boxes had a german solider on the front. He said he was proud I had a job I loved doing, but how would I feel if someone made a video game based on one of the most

Ehh, Nintendo is competent enough to keep building their own games and not needing fans to do it. Sega, on the other hand...

Is it possible, do you think, for an issue to have existed, undetected by you, until now? Is it possible that commentary on these issues existed from the moment the issues did, and you simply didn’t notice?

I read the article, and felt bad about the kind of people that seem to make up most of gaming culture.

You don't care about the issues. Congratulations on being oh so strong and cool for not being the target of these caricatures and also, coincidentally I'm sure, not caring about them.

“My echo chambers agree that this is an issue that doesn’t effect us and is therefore a non-issue.”

What a shitty way to minimalize valid concerns. 

Between this and the comments on last week’s episode of Extra Credits, I got to be thoroughly reminded that the capital G Gamers are racist as fuck.

It’s not the job of Kotaku “and other gaming press sites” to protect people who are knowingly violating Nintendo’s intellectual property. It’s not like Kotaku hacked someone’s server and exposed this, it was intentionally released online and it’s Kotaku’s job to report on it. The people who released it aren’t stupid,

The attack as you call it isn’t anything. Like... you can’t even say in words what the attack consisted of, other than accusing you of posting in bad faith, which I fully believe you have here. Are you really pretending the only option for all the Trump loyalists is top level, executive jobs where they will continue