
Why didn’t Nintendo show this in the U.S. Direct?

This Mini Direct apparently had content directly provided by the publishers, so it might’ve just been that Sakuna’s publisher couldn’t or didn’t bother to make an English-dubbed translation for that trailer. Nothing too surprising in the Covid era.

Virus need a medium to travel and in this scenario they do through tiny droplets of saliva that we expell when talking, breathing, etc. and guess what?! those droplets are way bigger than the virus themselves. Thats what you are actually trying to stop with the masks genius. Maybe (just maybe!) don’t get stuck to the

Public health isn’t political, you’re just a fucking prick.

1) Not only does that source say nothing about mask effectiveness, your quote doesn’t appear anywhere on that page.
2) It was initially “they’re not effective”, now it’s “they’re more effective than not wearing them”. That doctor is suggesting the opposite of what you’re trying to say.
3) Very pleasent echo chamber of

What’s the difference between the US and countries like South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore?

It’s so fucking easy to put fabric on your face, and you’re such a child that you’d rather be a twat about it?

Saw some quick looks of this and thought the switch from Dog Fight manager to Plantation Boss is more of a lateral move. The little ooblets stay in a little dog house and work on your farm while you profit from their work. Still kinda dark. 

I guess Nintendo doesn’t want the Mario Universe getting completely out of hand like the Sonic Universe.

Other than, you know, the obvious things like lynch mobs, the KKK, but you’re right, no real negative implications tied to that image.


*Bzzt* [Nuclear Launch - Detected]

If you are going to dismiss a message like this because the guy who originally quoted it was at one time a Nazi supporter who changed their mind (and isn’t this about changing people’s minds?), then you are discouraging people to say anything, period.

In what way? My cynical assumption of their cynicism serves nothing. I know cynicism is fashionable... but I’d much rather assume grace and expect the same in return.

Now playing

I think you’ve fallen into something called the Thermian Argument, using in-universe explanations in fictional stories for controversial issues.

Children were not gassed to death because they were communists...

Where major corporations and marketing are concerned, cynicism will serve you far better.  

The problem here isn’t that they’re making a game with a political message. It’s that they’re misappropriating a quote about the holocaust and using it as marketing material.  

I’m sure there are references that could be made to get the intent across without appropriating a poem written about the Holocaust to sell your game that makes mouth noises towards social issues but only on a surface level.
