
I feel like even if you explained to Trump that holding the RNC as planned in Charlotte could potentially decapitate the Republican party weeks before Election Day, as party leaders, elected officials, political consultants, hardcore supporters, etc. gather from around the country in a single location in tightly

I agree. Much like Rick’s behavior at the end of the previous “Vat of Acid” episode I thought Summer’s verbal assault of her father here was just too dark and mean spirited even by the standards of the show. Thankfully the episode sort of settled down after that and didn’t continue in that tone as opposed to “Vat of

It was sweet of Beth to acknowledge that, unlike her deadbeat dad, Jerry was there for her at the end when she needed him.

I guess I spoke way too soon about Jerry and him changing this season with the beekeeping. Summer’s rant towards him was pretty savage. I genuinely felt bad for him. Yes, Jerry is a loser, but wow, that was messed up and unecessary.

I know that Jerry being pathetic is a running joke throughout the show, but Summer’s line to him at the campfire went so far that it wasn’t even funny in a “ha ha ha, they’re being overly cruel to Jerry” kind of way. Sure, Morty lampshades it right afterwards, and the equilibrium is (sort of) restored at the end, but

With all respext, Billi, shut up.

People who can talk to their teammates without fear of harassment have an advantage over those who can’t. Also, though, that’s not the central conceit at all. It set people off, but it devolves almost immediately into a storm of calling her ugly and mentally ill long past the original point being forgotten.

I knew something was up the second I saw the standard circus of reactionary youtube gamer chuds all targeting one single person with a laser focus. Like, that’s your immediate clue to know whatever “anger” going on is entirely performative and in bad faith.  

They found their target of the month—and a woman too, how

American Dad is legitimately a great show. I don’t know what season it was where the writing team shifted, but it’s a great show. I love the holiday episodes, and any Roger episode is always a treat. It’s unsurprising to me that they would have this level of depth for a one-off joke.

I think you might have missed the point man

If they were black it would be a very different scenario with very different headlines. Every. Single. Time. 

Because they are white

Because they’re white.

Man, Blood Elves still don’t really fit on the Horde. They kinda did back in BC, when they were magic sucking vampires, but that was resolved oh so quickly, and now they’re just “Alliance, but on Horde!”

Given that Trump’s lawyer spent yesterday arguing in front of SCOTUS that the president should have immunity from legislative oversight, I would be completely unsurprised if he tried to postpone the election and took that to the Supreme Court as well because fuck the constitution.

There is no such thing as karma, or magic, or an afterlife. It doesnt matter what you “wish”. It is good when bad things happen to bad people. It would be extremely cool if he died. 

In fairness:

SO, I had COVID and let me tell you how much it suuuuucked.

You’re right, I don’t hope he dies. I hope it paralyzes him and he spends the next 65 years fully conscious, but unable to express himself or control any part of his body voluntarily, as he is in constant pain from the bedsores he gets from laying in puddles of his own urine every day while CNN plays in the