
“This is the first toy made by kids, for kids, with all the proceeds going to kids!”

I am begging with, pleading with modern sci-fi writers….

It’s been a long road, gettin’ from there to here….

What’s even the point of being a gorilla if you can’t walk around without any pants on?

The deal for the Hobbit was always for two movies. Originally The Hobbit would be adapted as one movie and then there would be a second “ bridge movie” that would chronicle the 60 year gap between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

What’s worse is that they dropped an entire third movie in his lap before he was even done shooting the two he thought he was just making.

The fires of Isengard will spread, and the forests of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once great and good in this world will be gone. There won’t be a Shire, Pippin.”

Too much rising, not enough beasts.

Bats aren’t birds! 

That’s true. But also, Nintendo doesn’t care. They aren’t making a movie because they want to elevate the franchise to new artistic heights or explore the possibilities of a different medium. They want a 90 minute commercial for the next Zelda game.

If most Zelda fans were honest with themselves, I think they would prefer there never be a Zelda movie as opposed to anyone making it. Yeah, they’re all gonna say Studio Ghibli, but even an anime would have to be dubbed into English eventually. Is there any actor working in Hollywood right now that Zelda fans would be

Everyone is saying that Illumination is the worst studio to adapt a Zelda movie, but if you stop and think about for even a minute, you’ll see that they are actually the perfect studio to do it. For one simple reason: Nintendo are control freaks.

I am 100% certain that with enough time, more than 10,000 named characters will be revealed to be Jedi that survived Order 66.

“I mean it’s one charitable donation, Micheal. What could it cost, ten dollars?”

The problem with the whole, Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party is that a disturbing number of people are quite content to let the leopards eat their face as long as they eat everyone else’s face first.

I thought it was some kind of fancy CPAP machine.

I created a makeshift catapult out of fused platforms, flipped them over, and then used Recall to launch myself into the air and glide to the end.

Characters having 6 fingers is quickly becoming the new characters having 4 fingers.