
These are all the Disney characters they don’t let in the Kart racer with Mickey Mouse and Elsa From Frozen.

Turn-based combat???

Do any of them talk about my car’s extended warranty?

It’s weird that they’re going for this uncanny CGI for the character considering, apart from being slightly taller than average, there really isn’t anything all that inhumanly impressive about her physique.

He used to be all about fighting against oppressive authoritarian regimes. Now he fights for them.

I mean, Better Designed Sonic is also a cop. He spends most of his first movie literally riding along side a cop.

At this point, the Iron Giant is know less for any of the things he actually did, than for the things he’s been in. 

And I’m okay!

“Oh Little Lulu, I love you-lu, just the same!”

No way the N64 could handle that frame rate.

Bad things should happen to bad people” is not an unprincipled position.

The Italian voice actor for Dark, however, does not voice Yunobu. 

This Robotnik looks better than the one in the movie.

“Well, you see, originally we had this ‘Mario dance-off’ scene that went on for far too long and wasn’t funny or memorable, but then we saw all the jokes everyone was making on Twitter about how we’d inevitably make such a scene and how bad it would be, so we cut it. Then we saw the Sonic movie sequel do a ‘Sonic

You know, we’ve had so many crazy Republican scandals over the last four… decades… it’s honestly nice to get a good old fashioned cross dressing one again.

Maybe next game they can add some kind of difficulty slider….

This is Berk.

Ah, yes. Blizzard, the company famous for an aversion to pandering....