
I really hope they didn’t actually kill off Moose and Midge. WE JUST MET MIDGE

Someone needs to sit Archie down at some point and explain to him why what “Grundy” did to him was wrong.

Also, Archie is just a trainwreck. A hot, well-intentioned trainwreck. But still.

I’m gonna respectfully disagree. Cheryl calling her pro-incest father ‘daddy’ is worst than anything *shudders*

Archie: “First you got shot, then Miss Grundy is killed. What if someone is going after the people I care about?”

The long-awaited debut of Midge! Uh, okay, bye Midge.

Sorry to be OT, but has anyone else just been completely fucking leveled by the past week? With everything that’s come out and with reading all these different women’s accounts, you feel like you’re being laid bare, because so much of it resonates? I read these and I’m angry, I shake, I cry, I feel that terror and

Posted on AV Club about this but am grey there — This is the jackass who cancelled Good Girls Revolt in spite of acclaim, ratings, etc. He just didn’t like it so! They should have fired him then because that is just idiotic management to dump the biggest breakout, talked-about show they had in that season because

That’s ok. Teen Mom’s Gary is your friend now.

Because Mike Judge likes it and I hear that he’s the king of the pop culture hill.

We live in a world where Teen Mom’s Gary is a thing. He’s enough of a thing to have a short video describing how he raises his child. I now know more about Teen Mom’s Gary than I ever thought I would. The world is not ready for the amount of information I now know about Teen Mom’s Gary. I hope one day that I see him

I just said it in another comment, but I have a feeling he thinks (as a lot of older men do) that men don’t really have the right to use the word “feminist”. He’s always stood up for women’s rights so I don’t think he meant to have it sound insulting at all.

I love Robert Redford too, he was soooooooo dashing handsome back then and I’ve binged on his movies on Netflix. I am also puzzled by his feminism comments, he always seemed like an advocate of feminism (and civil rights) and was also the founder of Sundance Film Festival.

Bobby, I know people will decry my sentiments in defense of your poor soul, but I am beyond delighted that you are willing to sacrifice yourself so that we may have these entertaining posts. It’s selfish, I know, and I do apologize for that, but you are doing a service for us all, so thank you from the bottom of my

what does Robert Redford mean when he said - I am not a feminist? and why do these people go on her show? don’t they know who she is???

Its not like site layout changes have been an improvement here

I just remember on the comment boards, anyone that remotely praised a movie got accused of being a “Plant!”, at least that was a common meme there. I’ll never forget a response being something like “Didn’t know I was listening to Led Zeppelin because this sounds a lot like Robert PLANT!”

I read AICN for a little bit in high school in the early 2000s because I was clamoring for scoops on cool nerd stuff in development. Then once I read Harry Knowles’ review of Blade II, where he compared Del Toro serving his geek audience to performing cunnilungus on a woman (this coming from a guy who looks like Pizza

It can be two things.

Basically 100% accurate. There are stories going back 20+ years. And that doesn’t even include the for-hire stuff studios threw his way to get him on their side.