
I don’t really care about the Kardashians and Caitlyn is a terrible person, but Kylie saying she’s happy her dad is finally her true self is wonderful.

This bothered me the most:

A level 5 “out of 6”

I worry about both of them. I personally think that appearing on the show at such a young age really messed up the Jenner girls especially Kylie.

I can’t wait for the next generation to start getting into shenanigans together. I’m here for Keeping up with North & Penelope!

While bitching about the lack of respect being shown for the American Flag while, quite likely, owning some type of apparel that has the American Flag printed on it, which, according to the “Flag Code” is a huge no no.

“I understand that it’s on the minds of a lot of people but there are so many problems in the world.”

The cognitive dissonance involved in lauding the sacrifice to protect our rights, while lamenting that anyone actually bothers to use those rights... my god.

“I wish it would all just go away,” said Kathie Lee clueless white people.

“football doesn’t need anymore hurt right now with all the things that football’s gone through”

This, ladies and gentlemen, is white privilege in a nutshell.

I don’t understand how you can vote for Obama and then the man that tried to oust him by starting that birtherism nonsense, and who is basically a white supremacist bred by white supremacists.

I’m glad Oprah at least tried to point out that Trump’s being judge by his current words and actions. Deaf ears and all, but....well....I got nothing. I feel like there’s more give to a brick wall.

RIP Cleavon Little & Gene Wilder. Such a great movie & duo! Siiiiiigh.

A woman named Rose, who voted for Obama before voting for Trump, claims that the country hasn’t given Trump a chance.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Tom is someone who constantly mixes up the use of their, they’re and there along with your and you’re, not to mention to, two and too.

Young people are also carrying out the proud tradition of knowing very little in general, yet being absolutely certain they are right.

Yeah, bigotry and racism haven’t been eliminated, last I checked.

I’ve been hearing a lot of “wait until the young ‘uns grow up and start voting” recently. Young people are the ones who love trolling/memeing/shitposting for Trump/the alt-right and think the whole thing is fucking hilarious without caring about the consequences.

“We’ve raised a generation of kids who don’t hate people on the basis of race, or they don’t hate somebody because they’re in love with somebody of the same gender”