
Maybe... but Martin put in SO MANY shaggydog stories and fakeouts that I forgive D&D for skipping them. Like, GRRM would probably prefer to have Quentyn and Faegon in there. Did they matter? Who knows? I’m not sure Martin does!

Similarly, maybe Euron will blow a magical horn to bring the wall down, like you say.

The idea she might be killed in childbirth is an interesting one, though it might seem anticlimactic after everything she’s done to go out that way. I think there’s more credence to the idea that Jaime will kill her. At this point, either he or Tyrion are the ones who probably have the most reason to kill her, and

Okay, everybody drop everything! Me just hit with new theory, and this is last chance to discuss it! Because we all know neither this nor any other web site will talk about Game of Thrones until next season in 2019.

Personally I really empathize with the showrunners here. In the past they had a full text that they could pull from, and decide which pieces could be culled and which led to important things down the road that couldn’t be excised. Now I think they’re working with a rough outline. So they know the big points but not

My big question (to which I doubt we’ll ever have an answer) is: how much of this season was GRRM, and how much of it was the showrunners? I had thought, going in, that Martin’s share was going to be at least 50%, maybe as much as 75%, but, having watched it, I think it was more like 25%. I think he had a few major

Well maybe if the theaters hadn’t switched to Kinja then people would still show up.

Will even fewer moviegoers spend their dwindling summer hours at the multiplex?

Well, either every author on every blog is a major game of thrones fan who loves to write about nothing else, or GoT articles drive those sweet, ad-revenue producing clicks. I’m not sure which of those things is the case yet, I will let you know what I uncover in the article I am writing for my blog about it, “10

I see different opinions on here about whether Issa had a right to be mad at Daniel. But we can at least all agree that she had no reason to be mad at the other men in her hoe-tation, right?

As I knew nothing about Kinja, I really did think most people were just being overly apprehensive of change, but then when the switch actually happened I went “Damn, this new site is hideous and unusable as fuck!”.

Arya is Jon’s cousin, not half-sister. Same as Sansa.

The answers are all just pulled out of the article writer’s ass anyway.

But no one will listen to Gilly’s proof of this because her comment is still pending, er, um, she’s in the greys, sorry, um .... because Sam took the wrong books.

Ultimately, it will require some Bransplaining to have people pay attention to the message.

Generally, it seems like it has been up to Sansa and Margaery to get married to everyone. Sansa is Jon’s (secret) first cousin and Margaery is dead. So yeah, Jon doesn’t have a lot of non-incestuous options. 

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Given how many fans of the books and show have long gone way further than I feel is justified on trips inspired by the idea that the story is totally subversive and overthrowing fantasy cliches and the like ...

When Jaquen first showed up and he and the Faceless Men seemed like the coolest thing ever. Now I’m like, “Ugh, again with the magic murder bag.” Once everything is explained, it loses its appeal. Call it the Wolverine Effect.

The Dragon and the Wolf title refers to Rheagar and Lyanna , not Dany and John. Final will have the big reveal confirmed.