Make Flat Earth Great Again!
Make Flat Earth Great Again!
Verrry clever, cigarette…a little TOO clever. Please await a visit from Our black, windowless, pizza delivery van.
You know too much, herasblog! Or should I say grabshole? Is this just another clever Trump diversion??
That sounds tempting, but Domino's is still gross. I'm just going to order breakfast burritos and eat the delivery boy.
Now I'm hungry.
Google? Pff - you gotta bing that shit. If you rearrange the letters crypto-numerically, Google is Comet Pizza's fax number.
I banish you! Ben Gazz Emaal! Ben Gazz Emaal!
…that's me. Watching you. Ixnay on the izardlay litsay!
Ancient Chinese secret! *wink*
Ah, no need. Just report back when you detect the delicious aroma of Hormel® Black Label® bacon.
By the way, how's that rash? Is it oozing yet?
Indeed I can.
We had quite the laugh about that one - started as an elaborate office prank. The real payoff comes when we collect all those juicy, fermented condo-dwellers' souls though.
It gives me a boner too!
I'll pass - I only watch this on Christmas Eve.
We hoped the lack of subtlety would be sufficient cover.