Correction. Black children get shot every day by black children.
Correction. Black children get shot every day by black children.
The sisterhood is strong.
It’s like the word ‘encourage’. Been utterly best to death.
How can things be diverse if they aren't different? Should we celebrate petite femine images of women as lesbians? I sure wish we would because bull dykes are repulsive.
That’s assuming your stereotypes of men and women are correct.
Because transgender people can't be lesbian, right?
Yeah. Probability usually is a bad thing for regressives like you
Nah Too late You sound incredibly homophobic
I agree with you. Trans-women should be able to dress as men.
What the fuck is a Doula?
You sound like you were born yesterday. Get a fucking life.
Really?! Because it's probably his toxic masculinity that precipitated this event.
Being in the presence of a lunatic often, that is the only genuine response. Some mental midgets refuse to get help.
Why are you attenpting to?
The girls are still on earth.
The only thing that's gone downhill is the sense of humor of your average SJW.
I view behavior like this as a long, drawn out suicide attempt.
America’s foreign policy and white people are to blame for the attacks in Istanbul today.
You sound like an insufferable bitch
You have to wear your hair natural. Otherwise white feminists will call you Uncle Tom