God! And you guys wonder why men run the world?!
God! And you guys wonder why men run the world?!
Fucking Donald Trump could win the White House and you're mocking Jeb Bush?!
I’d say their victims had it worse. Like the white women that was nearly beheaded while her children slept upstairs. By the black man who was celebrated for being a hero.
Which all makes great entertainment for women so Proctor and Gamble can sell them shampoo
None of which has anything to do with the man who eviscerated his wife while his children slept upstairs.
Lol. I was pretty upset with the guy who cut his wife’s head off.
Those jurors weren't going to EVER convinct.
How many cats do you own?
You're an embasrrasment to women.
Why? Don't you find it cool to talk like an impoverished black person?
It’s obvious many brown women choose not to be burdened with beauty. It’s well evinced in how your men date outside your community.
Yeah, well, I ordered pizza delivery and it arrived cold and missing pepperoni so guess what? Syrians aren't the only ones that have it rough.
Beyoncé is so 2008
How incredibly bigoted. The fan was agender
Because most hopital group are are affiliate with religion.
Nah. Some people really are this fucking stupid.
Fuck you care?! They're white. One less white person. Hooray for you!
How about Oppressed? A black girl group singing about how evil white people are would be a huge hit with stupid white liberals.
Oprahs a sucker for nonsense which she sells to equally credulous women. Women love a big lie especially when it's recommended by one of their dumb friends.
As the wonderful white women who raise me once said “Don’t walk in that black women’s neighborhood at night”