Catie 43890

That’s why men run the world, sweetheart.

Trust me. You sanctimonious cunts will find someway to divide yourselves.

Moved to Sweden. They love progressives who turn a blind eye to Islam.

I call anyone stupid when they don’t vote. Yourself included.

Look at the map. Wales unanimously voted to remain

A depressing percentage of them are such.

Hope in one hand, shit in the other....

I’m all for Bernie’s communist revolution.

You really shouldn't do drugs

Half the country nominated Donald Trump and there are still imbeciles claiming a MORE liberal Democratic party is somehow desired by the American people.


You must be a feminist. Feminists tend to characterize sex as rape.

Fucking feminists.

Fuck your friend Chris. That bitch never says anything true.

Terrible analogy.

You just named two countries in which stoning women to death for disgorging their families is legal. You’re a fucking imbecile.

These fucking people are such hypocrites. They refuse to condemn a religion which fundamentally subjugates women.

Everyone laughs at relativists like you.

Tell that to a feminist.

Meetings. He's had to save himself for meetings.