My favorite relatively-undiscussed angle for these people making their stand against our corrupt government with assault rifles and lunatic views:
My favorite relatively-undiscussed angle for these people making their stand against our corrupt government with assault rifles and lunatic views:
I’ve driven enough on highways and in NYC itself to be more uncomfortable with everyday drivers. I’d trust this Tesla over 99% of the cab drivers I see everyday.
As the story notes, it is a tactic to keep the plaintiffs from appealing. I see it all the time. The plaintiffs will agree to not appeal, and the claim for fees and costs will be dismissed. And, yeah, you should if you are out 700K for a frivolous claim. I see people all the time bitch about what a sue-happy society…
Occam's Razor.
Why are people who make a career out of something most people desperately try to avoid, physical combat, so aggressive?
Repeated blows to the head. Substance abuse. Abusive relationships. Emotional issues. et cetera.
I get the tax payers got duped and couldn't vote or whatever but this is one of the few stadium deals that is actually going to pay off. Moving it out of the horrible area it was in to east Cobb is going to do wonders for attendance and dedicated fans.
Seriously. God, my life is boring in comparison.
Just one more and he can get beatified.
Ah, when feminism turns infantilizing: no, women do not fantasize about mythical creatures to escape “man’s world.” Please, go ahead and explain the oppression Olympics behind ghosts, aliens, vampires, unicorns, and Nessie.
What do the rules say about those fucking disgusting Mariners uniforms. Holy shit.
Oprah is highly suggestible. Seriously. Every stupid fad for self improvement that comes along, she is there for it. Dragging millions of women along for the ride. Women without her resources, I might add. Fuck Oprah.
Is it just me, or does Oprah fall for every trendy bullshit idea that comes along. Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, every diet fad ever, “The Secret”
He’s the hero New York deserves, but not a hero with knees right now.
Aren’t there laws against transporting corpses across state lines?
Christianity is anti-female if you actually read the text
Yet they follow a religion that oppresses them and is very much anti female.
It’s a oppressive religion. Women are not equal to men. When a woman has to be with a man at all times, can’t drive a car or become educated. That is a the definition of anti feminism. You can’t be for women and support a religion where it reads:
Shit. Yeah as someone who only paid casual attention to the whole ordeal and hasn’t watched the new series or documentary, if you’d asked me what happened to this shitbag I’d have guessed that he spent a short amount of time in jail then faded in to obscurity. Apparently not.
every thing is bullying now. my god get over it