Catie 43890

Its adorable that actors believe anyone cares about what they think. Actresses frequently make this mistake. Their narcissism has no bounds.

It's religious bullshit.

Because she's not funny.

Well, that's easy. Because women aren't funny.

Yeah. Okay

That’s okay. It's a disgusting display of cultural appropriation anyways.

Did he punch her??

Hopefully she didn't have sex like that b otherwise she was raped. Hope you reported it.

She's a product of feminism. Waited too long

Oh good. I thought he died.

ur always talking about your boyfriend.

Neither do you.

Not rape you blockhead.

You could. If you’re a whore

You're an idiot.

It is gross that women will have sex for money. But what are you going to do??

Okay. If we’re not talking about rape, which this isn’t, then I don’t give s shit. You want to be a whore, that’s your business but don’t whine about what that requires of you, dumbass.

Whatever you do, don't blame Islam. Blame it on s progressive world. Because that totally doesn't needlessly confuse things.

You burn women alive? Sorry to hear that.

I have an answer. It's religion. Specifically Islam.