Catie 43890

Hard to combat this violence when feminists like you refuse to criticize Islam for this behavior. You fail to admit mothers often participate in the this violence against their daughters. You're dishonest and immoral and that's why people don't like feminists

When you’re culture is burning women alive, it’s shit. This shouldn’t have to be explained to you, you bloody wanker

Better find a safe space then.


That’s awful. I’m so sorry. Been there before my friend. My parents were pushed out of a helicopter during a volcano tour. You can’t imagine the pain they went through.

I’ve been freezing my sperm for year. I just chip off a little bit as needed

Men are shit. She should leave him and marry Meryl Streep

Wat? She looks likes she's 60

Omg! My little puppy is named Burrito! He’s the cutest English bulldog you’ll ever lay your eyes on. He’s so sweet and loves my toes!

Really shady stuff. The justice department will be looking in to this

Beef is out. Labiaplasty is in.

We missed the part where women became less sexual than men. You sound like a nun

Lol. You tend bar.

Her daughters would overlook the black president. Did you pick up on that?

You make the mistake of believing Jezebel has women's interest in mind

Fucking white males, amirite?

Because Kayli will follow in mom and Grandmas footsteps and reproduce in her teens.

Nothing more awesome than, single teenage motherhood and a grandmother in her mid-thirties. I'm sure the lack of men in this family has nothing to do with their choice to reproduce at 15

And you wonder why people say progressives like you fail to understand economics, or that individuals have free will

She should skip journalism and just retire. Raise your kid. You've nothing to offer.