I got that covered. I told my daughter everyone would think she's a whore if she got a tattoo.
I got that covered. I told my daughter everyone would think she's a whore if she got a tattoo.
You’ve just described every network prime time show. Tons of rape and murder while models pretending to play detective trade snarky quips. It's painful to see how anyone enjoys it.
Good point. Better off that they never existed in the first place.
Your stupidity is frightening.
Speaks volumes about you too.
Marginal in 2001?!?
Goldigging is victimhood according to you.
And this is why Trump will win. If there’s on thing liberals are great at, it’s turning on one another.
Because miscarrying at 8 weeks is indistinguishable from menstruating.
Nah it’s a crime to be in possession of controlled substances. Dems is da rules. You’re not big on rules, are ya? You drive 45 in a school zone don’t you? Won’t be happly until you kill a kid.
I wish being hyperbolic was a crime.
Indeed. What the hell is wrong with people. Why is this drug addict walking around with her endometrium in a bag?
Developmentally, it's not a fetus; It's still an embryo.
Please. You’ll have a kid. It’s just a matter of if your kid will have a genetic disorder or autism because waited too long.
You're woefully misinformed if you think this isn't a competition.
I love how the average person can’t think.
My ass. You’ll be pregnant within 3 years.