Biological sex isn’t real, right? It’s a social construction. There is no such thing as male and female, correct?
Biological sex isn’t real, right? It’s a social construction. There is no such thing as male and female, correct?
Veganism is a cult.
Yeah. It's such a shame all those women have no choice about him photographing them. It's been known for years that he's a rapist and still these women are forced by society to get their photos taken by him. I can't even
I’d feel silly if I admitted I “like and respect” Nicky Minage.
Yeah. That’s not all you don’t know.
I might agree with that if the rape crisis on or college campuses wasn’t so bad. Unfortunately, most college enrolled women aren’t women of color and yet suffer far higher rates of sexual assault. I believe it's important for us to focus out resources where they are needed the most, and there's no more urgent a place…
I look forward to it
It is awful
I think it's a bit unfair to refer to men of color as rapists and than say they should be raked over the coals in the racist criminal justice system. I think you need to do some soul searching about what you can do to help people of color and not push them further down.
That's a slippery slope. Let's not swing the doors open and let a lunch mob start poking around. I think it's problematic to characterize men of color in such negative fashion.
Sit your daughter down and ask her if she's been raped. I know it can be a difficult conversation to have, but you need to sit her down and firmly ask her if she's been raped. Chances are she already has been and is suppressing those feelings to save face. It's important that we start this process in our homes so we…
Something totally needs to be done. This 1 in 4 college women will be raped isn't a joke and needs to be ACTULLY addressed. Rather than ignored.
Okay. What you’rea saying about people of color is a little problematic. Maybe try to tone down the accusations of violence unless you want to sound like a bigot. Just a little friendly advice. Is ladies need to look out for one another and character song POC the way you did is not acceptable.
Good question. I’m not sure why women are so creeped out by men being in the bathroom. The sooner they can install urinals in the women's bathroom the happier I'll be. B
Supports Cruz AND Trump??!
Supports Cruz AND Trump??!