Cartesian Cat

Mr. Richardson writes: Can I relax and enjoy heretofore ‘white people shit’ like... wearing flip-flops as just a thing without quietly laughing at myself or subtly dying inside?” Flip-flops are a white person’s thing? Tell that to the millions of poor people, of all hues, around the world, who wear flip-flops.

How did he get in the house to take the pic?

Excluding the picture wouldn’t have made the story incomplete...excluding the picture would have made a powerful statement...there have have been several posts on Gawker sites that have done just that.  

“This picture is obviously everywhere now.”

Yet this is the only place I’ve seen it.

Help me out...correct me if I’m wrong, my takeaway is someone took a shot of a photo in the Knowles-Carter home that was meant to be private? If this is true, why are you reposting it?!?

One of the shooters family members was quoted saying his car was stolen recently and that he was “just trying to protect his family”. Some people get wronged in some way and take out their insecurities on the next convenient target.

100% correct.  

I never understood how murdering someone on your doorstep would lead to good things in the near future. You’d think you would just answer the door, be like “nah, you got the wrong place” and move on with your night.

There was a time when Al Sharpton said that playing golf was a white person’s game to be avoided. And then came Tiger Woods who was an international sensation, cheered on by all. Was Will Smith a sell-out when his character in ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,’ was living the rich lifestyle of his TV uncle and aunt? Why

Al Sharpton Credits Himself For All This Blackity Blackness Taking Over National Politics, Because Of Course He Does

“Whether you chop up his observations as pure self-aggrandizing or legitimate..”

I don’t think dropping the charges is good for anyone, including him.

Yea this was a huge mess and now with his attorney being indicted, I can’t figure this out.   

But the bail is forfeit to the city of Chicago...hmm...

What the absolute sh*t!?

But why would that make the DA more inclined to drop the charges?  I would think if anything it would put more pressure on Jussie.

Nothing in the mess makes any sense.

Smollett’s attorney, Mark Geragos, indictment as a co-conspirator in extortion charge against Nike is what happened.